Well Known Member
having some problems fitting the lower coweling. I called Will James and I am waiting on his response. Basically, if the bottom of the coweling is flush with the bottom of the aircraft then the cheeks won't fit. Also the airfilter/scoop does not look like it has enough space. Something is not right and I don't have a clue. Can you guys give me some advice/guidance? Thanks!




Jiust a thought. Can you slide your rear cowl cheeks forward until they fit the front cowl? This would mean that the front part of the rear cowl cheeks is cut off.
I could probably do that..... However, the carb intake will not have enough clearance for the airbox/filter if I dont change the rest of the coweling. I will go back out and check it. Thanks.
I will check my RV-4 to see how it aligns at the bottom tomorrow morning but I think it is the same as your pictures. If it drops down more, I will let you know, but I dont have the Sam James Cowl. I think JJ put the Sam James cowl on his RV-4 that is almost flying. Maybe he could respond.
How far do you have to drop it down to get the clearance you need on the scoop?
James Cowl Fit


I'm afraid you are encountering the (in)famous SJ RV4 Cowl (mis)fit. I did not go with the SJ cowl as I had heard that it didn't fit and that Sam even owned up to the fit problem....maybe I heard wrong, but....
I know several folks that have had even went so far as to only utilize the plenum and the intake rings. He built his Van's cowl to match fit the rings, etc...

Let me know and I'll give you his name if you're interested.

Good Luck!
Do you have the hole cut in the bottom of the cowl yet for the scoop to mount so you can really tell how much room you need for the airfilter?
I am wondering if you just have to modify the scoop on the bottom to make it fit as I dont think you want to drop the bottom of the cowl down another 4 inches.
Do you have the hole cut in the bottom of the cowl yet for the scoop to mount so you can really tell how much room you need for the airfilter?

Been working on this for the past 2 weeks now. Finally, I have a good measurement for the clearance. It is 3 1/16 inches between the bottom of the carb intake to the bottom of the cowling. I will try everything possible not to cut the intake scoop off the cowling. But if I have to cut it, I will make the new one removable.
Standard Carb/Filter WILL NOT fit!


You and others are correct. The 'standard' filter box won't fit on the SJ cowl for carburated -360. Besides being not deep enough, it is too far aft. I liked the look on mine so designed my own intake system for my application. In it I am not running a air filter...for a couple reasons.

Contact me off line if you like and I can send some pics.

DAR inspection this week!
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You and others are correct. The 'standard' filter box won't fit on the SJ cowl for ca

I have the SJ cowl and it came with an intake "scoop"separate from the cowl, and Will told me for an 0-360, you must cut off the one that is molded on and replace it with the longer, deeper one that is included.
I don't know if this is a recent modification or not but I got my cowl a year ago, and that is the way it came.
I am going to start working on my cowl this weekend, so I am following this thread with great interest
Will sent me the O360 scoop as well. The issue is that I have an O320 and the current cowl should fit.
Standard Carb/Filter WILL NOT fit!

SJ makes an intake scoop that will work with the filtered air box. When I purchased my cowl he sent it with the order.
Whoops, I posted in the other thread... whatever. Axel if you want I can draw you up what I describe in the progress thread, it's a bit of work to fab, but when it is done, it is VERY nice and elegant. I would be very cautious about running with no filter. Can cause some very weird problems on the updraft engine...