Well Known Member
I am trying to figure out the rivet spacing for the cowl cheek extension (riveted to the fuse). I looked at the plans (latest ones) and the rivet holes are shown however, no spacing specified. If the drawing is to scale, it looks like each rivet is about 3 inches away. What did you guys use?

Don't know if the dimensions did not get print on my plans. The plans have the call out arrows pointing to the area but no dimensions.
We used around 1 1/2"...

...on my buddy's -4 because the lip was'nt too even so we had to pull it in.

There's a fine line there when they're being fitted, to allow access to the lowest, forward screw that holds the top fuse skin on. We had to trim the lip off at an angle to make that screw accessible.

Use screws at the forward most location. The rivets don't last but a few hours there. If you want I will take a picture today.
My Cowl/Cheek Install Details

Axel, Here are a couple of pics of my install that may help....I think I used about 1-1/2" spacing. I also roughed up the aluminum and used flox and epoxy under the flange. I sanded the edge to a good bevel. I set the rivets just slightly low, filled and sanded smooth. Grady at Glo Aircraft painting went a step further and put a bead of Proseal along the edge for even more smoothing....
Also note the aluminum mounting/leveling strip at the cowl ledge. You'll need some type of screw or camlock fasteners to secure the edges of the upper and lower cowl to the cheeks.

Call me if you want to discuss....817-705-6300.



