
I'm New Here
New RV Builder. Recently picked up a RV-4 project and getting up to speed on construction manual and drawings before I dive in. Finding that there are several inconsistencies between dimensions shown in construction manaul vs. dimensions shown on drawings. Are these corrected in the "memory stick" plans and manuals available from Vans or do you just have to figure it all out for yourself?

Dennis, good to see you finally getting into finishing that -4. Dont know the answer to your question though. :D
I built two RV-4ā€™s. I used the full size plans for all my measurements. The old build manuals are dinosaurs compared to Vans newer models. My advice is to join as many forums as you can and start searching RV-4 build logs on the web. Many questions you will have have already been answered. I know of a couple guys building-4ā€™s that are active on VAF and several FB groups that will help you out if you need it. The RV-4 is actually one of the easier old kits to build. Iā€™m currently building an RV-6a fuselage and its way more complex than the -4.
Ever in Winston-Salem area?

I am located about 10 miles south of Winston-Salem at 8A7,Twin Lakes airport. I built my -4 and have a pretty good build photo album as well as "marked up" plans from when I built. I would be glad to go over my plane and plans to enlighten you on some of the little challenges. Its a really straightforward plane to build even with the old school hand drawn plans...just takes a while! Come visit!
short word of advice, treat any given measurement with caution and never drill a hole solely based on one of them.
Most parts fit another part and you better first make sure that edge distance and such are respected. Also quite a few parts are drilled in assy, i.e. when clamped together.
Same goes for trimming any sheet/angle and such, first have the relevant holes drilled, then take care of the contour.

Enjoy the build ;)
Old newsletters

I am located about 10 miles south of Winston-Salem at 8A7,Twin Lakes airport. I built my -4 and have a pretty good build photo album as well as "marked up" plans from when I built. I would be glad to go over my plane and plans to enlighten you on some of the little challenges. Its a really straightforward plane to build even with the old school hand drawn plans...just takes a while! Come visit!

The plans revisions were included in the newsletters and were made as corrections on the plans. I had to build a new elevator some years ago and the parts I received were per the-new plans and did not conform to the old plans I have. Im sure you will have some things to figure out.
If you want to see inconsistencies in dimensions try building a 3. I learned early on to not trust printed dimensions. Some dimensions would actually end up in space beyond the edge of the part.

On an upside it makes you a better builder. There are hard rules for edge distance and spacing so follow them. Also jump ahead in the plans and know what attaches to the part you are working on. This can save hours of frustration and again makes you a better builder. I actually enjoyed the challenge

3B. Really close
Flying Cub regularly. Kalifornia weatheršŸ˜€