
I'm currently lurking around this site learning as much as I can before I take the dive into buying an RV. I've flown in the right seat of both an RV6 and RV7. I like the idea of a 4 but I wonder, how does the cockpit room compare to one side of a 6 or 7? I'm 6'2" and 260 lbs. and most of my height is in my upper body. I'm a bit concerned about headroom.
The sit test

All you can do is sit in a RV in a RV-4 and find out for yourself. If you want a tandem the RV-8 will serve you better no doubt with your stature, but to answer you question about the RV-4.........................

Close the RV-4 canopy and sit in it for 2 or 3 hours! That should tell you. You may know with in a few seconds. Are you built like Hulk Hogan? :D

I have lots of time in RV-4's. Height is not the issue, width is, especially at or just below the shoulders and down to the elbows. Van is a pretty tall dude, but of slim build.

Compairing a side-by-side to a tandem is a little hard. With a RV-4 the passenger is not competing for space, except for their feet that are down strattling you down low on your left and right. The side-by-side RVs are going to give you more room, especially if solo, but with a passenger you may be crowded, especially if the passenger is a larger guy as well. You said you flew the side-by-side already, so you kind of know what that is all about. It is a little like a C-152 but a bit wider, better but not much.

I am not as tall as you, but I have a barrel chest and big arms. I fit the RV-4, but it is a little snug in the shoulders and elbow area. You wear the plane, you don't sit in it. That is kind of the fun of it actually. You feel like you are part of the plane. However you got 100 lbs on me. If you are super wide you will need to go to a RV-8.

Regarding head room again, unless all your height is in your torso, neck and head, head room is not bad, if you use the minimum cushion and your headset band is not super thick. The RV-4 will be OK, but the RV-8 no doubt is better in the head room department. If you where not hitting your head in a RV-6/7 you should be OK head room wise in the RV-4. I am not 100% sure but I recall RV-4's have free blown canopys which can affect the head room, because there are small variations in canopys. Also how the builder installs the canopy can make a little difference in head room. I would not be surprised if two different RV-4's had different head room. Probably we are talking may be 1 inch or so variation? This is a guess on my part, but looking at RV-4's for many years, some seem to have variation in canopy height.

If you are seated properly, all RV's put your head within a few inches of the canopy, but you need your seat belt and shoulder harnesses on all the time. I fly the taildraggers so I have my cushion as thick as possible so my eye sight is as high as possible. It gives better taxi and flight visability. Even though I am not as tall as you, I like to side high and near the canopy. You will need min seat bottom thickness.

I remember flying X-C in my RV-4 and approaching Reno at night, in a cruise descent, I hit some sharp vertical drafts with my belts loose. I whacked my head on the canopy. RV's are small planes, but you sit in a normal semi-upright (comfortable) position. It's not like a LongEZ, Glasair or Lancair 320/360, where you are in a lay down position.

Don't know what to say but the RV-4 may be tight for you. Find someone near you who will let you sit in their bird. Bring your own thin foam seat bottom to trade out if needed. Keep in mind there are some excellent hi-density foam and temper foam that can make a comfortable seat bottom with out being thick. You can talk to Oregon Aero or Classic Aero designs (both sponsors of this site) and ask how thin they can go on a seat bottom, compressed.
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pmathews said:
I'm currently lurking around this site learning as much as I can before I take the dive into buying an RV. I've flown in the right seat of both an RV6 and RV7. I like the idea of a 4 but I wonder, how does the cockpit room compare to one side of a 6 or 7? I'm 6'2" and 260 lbs. and most of my height is in my upper body. I'm a bit concerned about headroom.
Mr. Mathews,
I'm the same size as you (6'-1" & 260), and last year at Land of Enchantment I had a couple of great guys let me try their RV-4 on for size. It's a tight fit everywhere: hips, knees, seat and shoulders...and then they closed the canopy! :eek:

When I got home I had a chance to sit in an 8, and the difference was amazing! It was much better all around. There is a tall pilot option for the 4, but the reality is the 4 will always be tight for guys like us. Usefull load is also going to be a limiting factor (really small passengers only!). I'd LOVE to do a 4, but these two trial fittings convinced me the 8 was going to be a better choice for me. Final choice is yours of course, but I'd recommend finding a tall 4 builder and begging him to let you try his airplane on...then find an 8 and do the same.

Best of luck deciding,
I have an RV-4 and it's great for me. In fact my wife and I just returned from an XC from Vancouver, WA to Prescott AZ to Fullerton, CA and back home to Vancouver (about 14 flying hours). But you have about 50 lbs on me and I would have to second everything George said and elaborate on just one. For you a -4 is going to be a single seater even if you do fit comfortably. If you do take a passenger they will have to be fairly petite (under 120 lbs.). Not even sure about that so maybe you should do a weight & balance.

The RV-4 is a great airplane and probably the fastest - all other things being equal. However, everything has it's limits. If I had to guess, you might be better off in an -8. I don't think you will be happy in a side by side with another passenger. I rode in one recently (a bueatiful 6-A). After a short flight my legs were tired trying to keep them out of the way of the rudder pedels. There may be a fix for that but I'm not aware. Also, this is not to bash the side by sides. All of the RV series are great airplanes. Each person's size and build, types of fields they operate in, and the expected mission have an effect on the decision as to which airplane they choose. Once you have established all of those it would be my best guess that the -8 will fit the bill the best. :D
I'm a short guy but very broad about the shoulders and middle. :) The 4's cockpit fits me but just barely. As was stated above this is an airplane that you wear, or at the very least you have to wear your flight gear. You strap your GPS to your leg, you strap your charts to your leg, your IPOD is in your pocket, along with your box lunch. :D

I love my RV-4 but now I'm building an RV-7. :)
Thanks for all the replies.

I know the short answer is to go sit in one and see. Anyone in the Los Angeles area want to show off your RV-4 and let me try it on for size?

I'm probably going to be solo in this for the most part so I'm not too worried about the back seat.

It seems that the price of a decent day/night VFR, o-320/FP prop RV 4 is about $15k - $20k less than a similar RV 6. I also like the idea of centerline seating.
I'm 6'-5" and 250 and I wouldn't begin to consider a 4. I actually think they are more sexy than an 8 but I can't fit. A friend is building an 8 and just recently bought a 4 to fly duing his build. They were side by side and there is a significant difference in the room.

I guess I could buy a girdle and cut a hole in the canopy.

All kidding aside if you are going to spend the kind of money it takes to purchase a plane don't sell yourself short by chosing something you won't be comforatable in. You won't fly it as much.

My son and I had both of our RV-4's at Fullerton Friday and Saturday the 15th & 16th. Would have been glad to have you sit in either. The guy that built my son's is about 250 and probably 6'3' or 4". I'm just guessing. He placed his seat back a couple of inches. I'm only 5'10" and about 210. I still think you will be hapier in a -8, but there are a lot of -4's out there and down in your area. Keep looking and give it a try. I could be very wrong about the -8 for you. Good luck.

Size Matters...

I helped a 6'6" neighbor buy an RV4 and we made custom 2" NASA foam bottom and back cushions for him. We also found him an RV4 like mine with no center console bewteen his legs and we moved the front seat lower attach hinge back 2",modified and relocated the Roll Bar aft 3". This really helped alot.
Once he "shoehorned" himself in he was fine. Flew it from CA to FL twice and never whined once...:)
I can tell you under no uncertain terms that the RV4 flies as good as the RV3 which is THE best flying RV out there, Harmon Rocket notwithstanding. The Rocket has as equal to or more room than an RV8 and is a way better and stronger design(I have one). Now, if you go with a 4 (good call)and still need more room you can install a Todds canopy and gain another inch or two. You can enjoy alot of modifications for $40,000... (price difference between a decent 4 and a nice 8,low end Rocket)

I personally think you will be fine...The RV4 absolutely is the best bang for the buck!

Just do it!

Rob Ray
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