
Well Known Member
Hello All-

I have just recently purchased a RV-4 and it's a bit chilly in the cockpit. I feel a draft. When I turn around, while airborne, the canopy is lifting up about a 1/2 inch and a strong draft of air is coming through. When on the ground, it sits flush and seals great! Any ideas on sealing the canopy or thoughts? What's everyone else doing or using?

Thank you!
Welcome to the RV-4, a great machine, with a few particulars that are different on every one built. The canopy is probably the single most difficult part of building an RV-4, and many have done their own personal variation on fit and function. If yours is "lifting" 1/2 ", I would be really concerned about the latching rod engagement, and overall fit. There shouldn't be any lift, and quite frankly, I wouldn't fly it until it is corrected. The latch mechanism by design will actually pull it tight when locked, and if unlocked in flight it will be gone in a split second. It is possible, the builder drilled the latch holes a bit high, and there is a lot of play in the bushings. Have you sat inside while sitting on the ground and push up on the canopy while looking at the lock rods? I would start there and see what's happening. The RV-4 canopy is a lifting airfoil, and will pull up with very little airflow. Share some pictures of your set-up and others may chime in. I'm sure its a simple fix, but one I wouldn't wait on.
I'd start off with closing and locking the canopy from the outside and take a look. Use a flashlight and see where the gaps in the canopy are. Some small strips of weather seal/molding in the ventiled areas and I think you'll be good to go.
All good advice, make sure you take a close look at the canopy hinge. It is not uncommon for rivets to shear and or hinges to fracture.