
I am building a RV-4 fastback with a friend. To avoid building ourselves into a corner when the other half of the riveting team is not around I have been considering constructing the fuselage first then moving onto the tail and the wings. That way there is always avionics, engine, canopy, interior... work to be accomplished. Are there any pitfalls to changing up the construction order?

While it is possible, keep in mind, on the -4 the fuselage center frames(built up) are integral to the spar carry through and come match drilled with the wing kit. It is best to complete the build-up of that assembly with the wing spars during wing construction to be sure you will have correct alignment when the bulkhead/frame assembly is located in the fuselage structure..feel free to take a quick trip over to 8A7 (Twin Lakes) just south of Winston-Salem and I can give you a "building tour" of my -4 so you fully understand all the things that will be a challenge if you try that. I still recommend empennage, wing, then fuselage. I shot all my rivets alone in my wings except a handful.
If you've never built an RV, it would be a very bad idea to deviate from the standard order. The kits get progressively more complex and the manual gets increasingly brief. A screw up on the rudder is cheap compared to messing up a wing skin or spar. I did all the riveting solo.
Then I will keep the build order the same. We has the same concerns and did not know if they were legit. I am still in the desert and will be here for some time. My build partner should begin before I get back, hence the questions. Thank you for the responses.