Karee Brinlee

Active Member
Hey guys,
I love the RV-4. Looking at a kit that is unfinished.
One wing leading edge done and fuel tank done.
Other wing not started.
Wings have factory built spar.

I think from what I have seen on total build time I should count on about 700 hours to finish the wings. Especially since the 4 is not pre punched.
Does that sound reasonable?
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RV-4 build time


Your estimate of 700 building hours to complete your wing set, does sound reasonable, but there are many factors that will enter into your build time.

It depends on the frequency that you will be working on the construction. If you are diligent on wanting to get the wings completed and work on them on a regular basis, that means a certain number of hours almost daily, your build time will be fewer hours than if you work on it hit and miss and spend time wracking your brain on what you were thinking and doing when you last worked on it.

I started to build an RV-4 in October 1984, never having built anything before. I was 46 years of age. I made my first flight in July 1988. At that time I also built my own spar. Since then I have completed a total of 5 RV's, all standard build, other than an RV-7 that was a quickbuild, and I finished that in one year. That was after I retired in February 2001.

If you get on it, and are motivated, homebuilding is a very rewarding endeavor.

Jake Thiessen
Independence, OR