I heard several calls from a "yellow" RV Sunday, while I was transiting west of AWO. I'm guessing that was you ;-)

It was VERY busy. I boogied up to Skagit to get some pattern work in. Even there, I was mixing it up with a Cub, A Maule, and a StationAir. The cub was leading the circus and I was trying hard not to crowd him in my lighting quick 172 rent-a-wreck.

If you ever need ballast in that back seat, let me know, I'd be interested. Even if I have to sit on my hands!
Yes, that was me. I had to go around 4 times to get myself sequenced into the flow without dragging the pattern down to Paine Field.

Now doggone it Steve, you are really starting to interfere with my job performance!! :mad: I cannot bill for time spent watching your videos over & over. Hey, I've got to make a living. I have vices to pay for!! :rolleyes:

How dare you combine fantastic video and wonderful musical selections!! These productions of yours are too good and very addicting; and I feel I'm a victim. These videos incite me to chuck work and want to go flying. The FAA should hear about this and formulate some policy enhancements to protect us from such emotions!!

Mumble mumble grumble bi*5@ bi*5@!!!!!!
Please Allow Me To Publicly Apologize

To anyone who has lost income or experienced reduced job performance as a result of my flying problem.

The first step is to admit that I have a problem. I keep telling myself that there are more important things in life than flying and I need to balance out the various activities.... NOT!

I guess I will continue to be a "victim" of my flying habit.