

Originally Posted by David Paule View Post
Looks good. I especially like the cut-out of the bulkhead and the mounting bars.

I took a little less time for my empennage, 782 hours, but left the tips till later.

Good luck on the wings! On mine, the progress was good until I got to the leading edges - if I were doing it again, I'd simply bend them a little more myself to help get a better fit.

Dave, some time ago you recommended an additional bend of the leading edges.
I'm assembling the wings at the moment and remembered your recommendation. Do you think it would be a good idea, to use the vacuum forming method e.g. as described in "Vacuum Forming Leading Edges"
Is your recommendation also for the tank skins?


Dave's reply

No, adding the bend isn't hard but it needs to be somewhat precise. There's a flat spot behind the leading edge bend and the top-of-the-rib bend and that's where I had trouble. I should have just left it like most other builders do.

Locate the center of that flat spot clamp a 1 1/2" pipe to the skin. Gently form the skin around that by hand, using some sort of a beam to spread out the load - doesn't take much. If you get it offset that skin is scrap, this bend doesn't come out. At least I couldn't get it out.

If I were doing it again, I'd just leave it alone, honestly.

(If you want to continue this conversation, let's move it to another thread or my build thread or PM me or something, so as not to clog up this Status of RV-3 forum. Thanks!)

RV-3B leading edge, flat spot

I guess these are the flat spots you mentioned?
I think it might be difficult to execute 4 equal bends in my simply equipped shop. I remember another post, I think it was from Paul Dye, mentioning that his factory built wing has a flat spot too. Willingly I follow your advice and just leave it alone.


Ignore it!

Yep, those are the them.

In my opinion, we'd be better off if Van's would not put the gentle bend in the aft part of the skin after this flat. By doing so, we can't get enough bending moment to get these to conform in this area.

MY build blog, here on VAF, describes some of the things I went through to work this out. Unfortunately it was only after that that I examined several other RVs and a Rocket. All had this characteristic and flew fine.

If I were building the leading edge assemblies again I'd ignore it.
