Beautiful smoke Dan...but what's relaly cool is to see just how litle the control surfaces move during yo'r acro - like hardly noticeable!
I watched your flight real time while giving a Young Eagle ride yesterday . My pax thought your smoke was pretty cool! Looked nice!
Fabulous video, did you design the smoke system yourself or are you using an off the shelf package?

Yesterday I set out to get some video of the smoke trail in my new RV-3B.
Two flights with two new (to me) camera mount positions generated
the footage for this video:

What a GREAT video Dan!! Well done!

Have you documented your smoke system anywhere? If so, I'd really appreciate a link. I'd love to install one but it hasn't risen to the top of my list yet.

Here is one

What a GREAT video Dan!! Well done!

Have you documented your smoke system anywhere? If so, I'd really appreciate a link. I'd love to install one but it hasn't risen to the top of my list yet.


Here is the one in mine.

Smoke System

Fabulous video, did you design the smoke system yourself or are you using an off the shelf package?


It's a Smoking Airplanes system with dual injectors. The tank
is in the baggage compartment and can be removed. David
Herrmann's system is similar.

BTW, I forgot to credit the music: Mary Chapin Carpenter's
"Age of Miracles".

- Dan
Thanks for posting Dan. It helped me get through an unpleasant day at work. I've watched it three times already!
Very motivational indeed, Dan! I had to watch it several times, too. Thanks so much for posting it!