
Well Known Member

After a lot of indecision about what to build next, I've ordered an RV-3B kit. Since I'm not a complete masochist :p I ordered the QB wing option, which is pretty reasonably priced for all the work that's involved. The empennage should be here in a couple weeks, but that won't take long to build. My understanding is that I'll get the fuselage kit in 6-8 weeks, and it will include all the fuselage parts that are normally in the wing kit. The wing parts will take a boat ride to be assembled, then return in 4-5 months from now. My goal will be to be ready to fit the wings when they arrive, but that might be a bit optimistic.

This will actually be my second RV-3B. I finished an old RV-3 project a few years ago, using a QB retrofit -B wing, and a 2 rotor Mazda engine. It was fun, but overweight, and overpowered :D

I'm going to go the other way with this one, keeping it as light as possible, and using a low enough power engine to try to keep it within the LSA limitations for Sport Pilot use. The engine will either be a single rotor Mazda that I've got running on a test stand, or perhaps an O-235. Just too soon to tell.

Rusty (multiple offender)


Followed your RV8 build, I also am starting an RV3B project,but no quick builds for me.... Keep us posted of your progress.

Chris Santschi RV8 N627CS Flying
RV-3B Emp on order.
Rusty, Rusty, Rusty,
What are we going to do with you. You need to fly your planes more than just a few hours before getting bored with them.:D BTW, you need to add your Kolb and Gyro to your list at the bottom of your signature of aircraft you've built. Speaking of gyros, did the guy from Loosianna end up buying yours?

Great to hear! As multiple RV builder, and 2-time -3 builder, I'm sure you'll add more than a few insights and tricks to the knowledgebase. Be sure and keep in touch with us and post pics of your progress.
Thanks for the comments. I'll certainly stay in touch on the forum, but despite the fact that I have lots of web space, I just never seem to get around to documenting builds anymore. I could promise to do it for the new -3B, but it would be a lie :p

Rusty (vaguely remember someone named Tobin)
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Rusty (vaguely remember someone named Tobin)

Nice! BTW, I was in Milton a few weeks ago. Bill took me up in his helicopter. I was just passing through on my way to PFN for the commissioning of the ship from Pascagoula. Stopped by your and Bob's hangars but no one was around.