
I'm still trying to figure out how to land this plane. It DOES NOT land like the RV-4, or at least the one I had. At 80 mph, engine idle, this thing drops like 750 fpm. At 70 to 75 mph on final, it takes a healthy push of the throttle to arrest the descent. My first landing caught me by surprise and I bounced the plane pretty good. I still bounce the thing at least once. Seems like 80 to 85 with 1200 rpms or so will be needed to produce light touch wheel landings like I had with the RV-4 at idle and 70 mph but I'm not sure. Help.

If I came across the numbers at 80 to 85 in the RV-4, I'd float 1500' or more. The "3" doesn't float at all. I kinda like that, I think.
Sounds like you have it figured out. I fly final at 95mph with maybe 80 over the numbers. And a little throttle, 1100-1200. Tail low two point.
Sounds like you have it figured out. I fly final at 95mph with maybe 80 over the numbers. And a little throttle, 1100-1200. Tail low two point.

Thank you so much Wilddog! That's what I was seeing as well. I kept trying the 70 mph on final and this thing was falling out of the sky quickly with the nose high and heavy throttle to arrest the descent. Like I was hanging it on the prop. I didn't like that at all.

I kept thinking I need to be around 90 mph and everyone else kept saying no. Maybe because I have an O-320 I guess and it's a little heavier than an RV-3B with an O-200. I know one thing, at 70 mph the VSI is very negative for sure.
My technique is very close to wilddog's except my throttle is around 1300 and I fly it onto the runway almost level. Tail low tends to produce a bounce every now and then for me. My touch down speed is a little over 70mph. (O320)
How much does it weigh ?

At 762 empty with about 250 for me and fuel, I?m over the numbers at 65 to 70 with usable float . I normally tickle the tailwheel first and the mains softly follow.
Unless you are really heavy, the decent rates/speeds referenced seem strange to me. FWIW, my IAS vso is 60 mph.
My technique is very close to wilddog's except my throttle is around 1300 and I fly it onto the runway almost level. Tail low tends to produce a bounce every now and then for me. My touch down speed is a little over 70mph. (O320)

Thanks! I just rescued my plane last weekend in Thomaston, GA (KOPN). Beautiful area and great people. Flew it back down to Gonzales, LA. (KREG). COVID 19 had me locked down but I finally said screw it and went up there and picked it up. It was there a month and they took great care of it for me.

At 762 empty with about 250 for me and fuel, I?m over the numbers at 65 to 70 with usable float . I normally tickle the tailwheel first and the mains softly follow.
Unless you are really heavy, the decent rates/speeds referenced seem strange to me. FWIW, my IAS vso is 60 mph.

810 empty, 170 and fuel for me. No float for me but I'm not flaring as hard as you. I usually wheel land. But it's nice to know some numbers for a 3 point. The POH says 55 IAS for the VSO at 3500'. Strange how the same plane can have so different landing characteristics.

Flying the 4 in Oklahoma, I learned quickly to wheel land. The wind is always gusting up there.3 pointers are squirley in gusting crosswinds.
Everyone's approach speed will be different due to pilot preference, comfort level, ASI errors, and weight differences. My old RV-3 weighed 700 lbs. empty (O-290, wood prop, VFR panel, no elec.) and I'd typically approach an honest 67-68 mph at idle power. Vans lists a 3 MPH faster stall speed for the 3 vs. the 4, so it's typical that the 4 can approach solo a little slower, assuming a FP prop. Just find what suits you and the airplane. Though the 95 MPH approach plus power mentioned is a bit extreme IMO unless there's significant airspeed error.

This is an old video of my -3 flying a 65 MPH idle approach, full flap on a calm evening (starting at 0:22). Just enough energy to round out quickly. Much lighter than yours though. Best all-around pure flying plane among the many I've flown.

My numbers aren't that different from yours.
I like to fly a steeper approach on final, keeping pattern altitude basically till the turn to final.
That way you can control your AS a little easier without a lot of power adjustments, then flare at the runway. I also usually hold some power till touchdown and then pull it out briskly. Typically a tail low wheel landing, but I have been doing some three pointers too and they are working out well.
A long low approach will require more power and speed to get you to the runway and you will likely feel like you're behind the power curve.
That's what works for me.
Though the 95 MPH approach plus power mentioned is a bit extreme IMO unless there's significant airspeed error.

Yes, I do think my IAS has error at low speeds and reads high. My indicated stall speed is much higher than Van?s numbers.
Though the 95 MPH approach plus power mentioned is a bit extreme IMO unless there's significant airspeed error.

Yes, I do think my IAS has error at low speeds and reads high. My indicated stall speed is much higher than Van?s numbers.

Mine must also be a little high as well then. Seems like I'm going pretty slow at touchdown. I'll check my approach speed with the GPS, assuming little to no wind, and see how far off they are. I didn't think about that before.
Find a long runway and "fly it on" in a wheel landing. Then just keep reducing your speed a little at a time until you find the sweet spot. And _then_ look inside and see what the numbers are.

I had the same but opposite problem...I could land my -3 under most any conditions but couldn't make a descent landing in my buddies -4 under any conditions.

Where you at in the CG range on the -3? I was far forward in my -3 but got used to landing it that way and was much more neutral in my buddies -4 which is why the two were so different.