Tony Spicer

Well Known Member
Doug posted this link elsewhere on the list, but thought I would stick it here as well:

Two hours ago I couldn't even spell picasaweb and now I are one. Easiest way to cycle thru the photos is to click on the first one, then use the left/right arrows that will appear. To zoom in, click the magnifying glass to the right of the arrows.

Nice work!

Hey Tony, you've done some really nice work there! I know you've built a Sonex, but never an RV before - good job figuring everything out. You've come up with some really creative and well crafted adaptations, other builders coming up through the ranks will certainly benefit from your work and photos of it. Keep up the good work and get that thing in the air!

So, we should arrange a parking area at OSH next year for all the original RVs. Because our planes are the originals we should be parked up front, don't ya think? I look forward to meeting you in person there.
Thanks, Randy.

If Van were to leave the bus at home next July, that would open up at least four RV-3 parking spots in the booth. But seriously, if he's at all interested in renewing interest in the -3, what better way to do it than to put yours in the booth?

Tony N12XR (that's Xperimental Racer, folks)