
Well Known Member
I am looking for someone who might have or have built an rv3 in the georgia florida are. I am in the begining stages of putting an rv3 back together with the b wing. It would be of great help to be able to view a rv3 and to ask questions about construction. Thanks

Hey there;

I'm located at Bartow Airbase in central Florida. Any time you wouldl ike to come down here, just let me know. We can talk RV's and have lunch at our new FBO. :D My -3 has a "a" wing because the mod came out just after we got it built, made more sense at the time, but it's flown for 18 years. :D

Mike Bauer
RV-3 N87LB flying
RV-4 N742MC building
Old RV3


I am in the process of converting a 29 year old RV3 to the ?B? wing. Because some of the early ones had certain builder irregularities in them I opted to replace everything forward of the seat back except the top longerons (which are one piece from the tail), the seat ribs, mixer box aft bulkhead and the motor mount. Since my motor mount was one of the old 4 bolt units, I added the two additional pickup points ala current motor mounts as sold by Van?s. I also replaced the two aft fuselage bulkheads, the horizontal stab attach points, the bottom tail skin and the stinger to accept a full swivel tailwheel.

If you can get away with just putting in the new center section and aft carry through and then just plugging in the new wings, you may find it much less complicated. I will take and forward any pictures you think might help.
Hello again any pictures that you may have particuliarly showing your center section work would be great. If im reading the plans correctly the forward and rear bulkheads have to be removed and replaced looks like fun.