
Well Known Member
I have heard differing opinions on this, does anyone have "actual" experience with flying an RV-3 with (sliding) canopy open?
I had a 3 hr flight over the weekend in 100 deg temps and was wishing I could slide that canopy back as I have done in a T-6....but I am not about to try it without some input from someone who knows it is safe....

Anyone able to confirm or advise against?
I have seen pictures of an RV-3 that had a special cockpit coming and windshield built to replace the canopy, and it was flown essentially open cockpit. But I would be very nervous about flying a slider version with the canopy slid open - don't know how well it is attached, and at RV-3 speeds, it could come off pretty quick if it was only held on with a nylon slider block. In any case, you'll most likely be a test pilot.
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does anyone have "actual" experience with flying an RV-3 with (sliding) canopy open?
In addition to Paul's sound advice, even if you do find someone with positive experience, it might not translate to your RV-3. The Slider canopy is not part of the kit, so suspect there is a large element of customisation in each aircraft.
Open Cockpit

I have flown an RV-3 without a canopy, and without a windshield at speeds up to about 160 mph. There was absolutely no noticeable handling or trim difference without a canopy, or with a windshield and without a canopy. I have flown an RV-3 with a slider canopy slightly cracked open at cruising speed, it did not have a tendency to slide farther open, and was easy to close. I would feel OK about flying with a sliding canopy partially or fully open if I knew it was a robust design. I would test the robustness to decide how fast I was willing to go and when I wouldn't want to open or close it. I think a good maximum speed with canopy open would be same as flap deployment speed, but I'd start my testing at a lower speed.
You live in the Bay Area. Just descend below 1000ft near the ocean. It's like turning the air conditioning on. I saw your 3 parked at Palo Alto a few weeks ago - very nice looking plane.
To quote Budd Davisson - RV-3:

"I don't remember when I've had more fun in an airplane. Everything about it is pure pleasure. You can be screaming along, nudging 200 mph, then slow down to 110 mph and slide the canopy back to suck in the fresh air and play airmail pilot."

canopy open

After reading this I decided to try it out. I've got a 3A with sliding canopy that my fianc? flies. Took it up today and at 5000' slowed to 70 knots and started opening it up. It stayed put wherever I left it and eventually I had it completely open and my arms draped out. Handled fine. I wouldn't want to go too fast, but at 70 knots it didn't even vibrate.
Canopy Open RV-3

With the positive input of Oaklandaviator, I will see about testing next month in my -3. I will start with a C-clamp on the rail as a stop point, and use the speed reference given in the previous as a start.
I will update with info as I have it. Supposed to be 100 deg today, but I am grounded with other obligations....Rats!
It can be done! Canopy Open

It works. I flew at 5000 ft, 100 mph and slid it right back. It is actually hard to slide, the air pressure pushes the canopy closed(forward).
I got it up to 120 mph, but want to check all the screws and sliders before I try it again.
It was pretty nice, and definitely cooler.