Chris Beebe

Hello everyone, I'm new to the rv world and just picked up a rv-3 that needs the wing repaired. I had a collapsed rib and had to remove four feet of the top skin that was damaged. I'm getting ready to rivet the skin back down and wondering what the best method is for accomplishing the task. As far as bucking the rivets is it easier to work the leading edge to the trailing edge or work the center of the wing and work to the root? Any info would be great. At this point it almost looks like I would need to cut in an inspection access hole but clearly there was not one to start with.
Remove the entire top skins. Work your way from wing root to wingtip. It’s best to use two people. The rib flanges should face outboard.
On an RV-3, riveting the top skin is best done from the rear spar forward. With that note, what acam37 said is correct.

P.S. I did it front to back and that's how I learned that direction was wrong, sigh.
Thanks for all the info. Definitely a two man job the way I see it. Side note, with the wing mods that were done for structural improvement I don't see an easy way to rivet the leading edge last. Probably possible but way to much work and effort.