
I'm New Here
Hi, new to the site. Unexpectedly purchased a slightly damaged RV-3 in a Sheriffs auction last week and I am attempting to remove the wings for transport.(figured this would be easy after 30 years of flying :) ) The aircraft was hangered for one year and the hanger owner attempted to remove the tapered pins with small success. I was able to remove three fairly easily as would be expected however the majority wont budge using a hammer and punch as recommended in a previous thread. Attempted hammer with nut on the bolt with no success and used a air hammer which removed the three but all of the remaining are in to stay. Any help would be greatly appreciated as they want the plane moved ASAP. On a side note I received no logbooks and was wondering if it's possible to determine if he wing spar mod was complied with (aircraft built September 1980). Heard you could contact Vans with the N-number and they would have record of it?

I would hit the surrounding aluminum with a heat gun. Be reasonable, getting it to 150 or 200 won't damage the aluminum and will make a big difference. Beyond that....just a bigger hammer.
Review the wing mod instructions on Van's web site. You should be able to see if they where done.
A big C-clamp might well help, if you make a 'bridge' to span the bolt head. Use it like a gear puller in reverse.

If the rivet gun isn't working, try adding mass on the back side of the spar. The spar may be flexing enough to absorb the gun's energy, instead of moving the bolt.
Be sure to lift up a little on the wing tips so that the weight of the wings is not on the bolts!
3or 4x rivet gun works much better than hammer

I used a 3X rivet gun with a brass tip to remove the close tolerance bolts off an RV-4. Worked awesome. Once it came time to put the wings on my plane, I did the same thing. The brass tip does not damage the bolts. You can buy it below.
Tapered wing bolt removal

Thanks for all of the advice, I tried some of them but I do think the spar is flexing as RV7 Charlie suggested. Was a little concerned using heat but keeping it below the 150 should do it. Thanks again and I'll keep you posted, it's a really nice plane, looking forward to getting her back in the air. I did contact Vans and Cynthia is checking on the wing Mod for me as well.
+1 on the rivit gun to drive the bolts out. Works wonders. Lubing the bolts up with PB blaster is a good idea too.
I know nothing about RV3's, but a 50/50 mixture of acetone and ATF is supposed to work better than any other stuck bolt remover available on the market. It has worked for me when others have failed. Good luck with your plane.
Been through this too. I would install a undersized bolt (one that slips in easily) through the hole next to the tight bolt you are trying to remove, to hold the spar plates together. I found that if they are spreading apart just slightly they will lock up the close tolerance bolt. You could also just put a nut back on the adjacent bolt if you don't have a open hole yet.
Been through this too. I would install a undersized bolt (one that slips in easily) through the hole next to the tight bolt you are trying to remove, to hold the spar plates together...

I could be wrong (often am!), but my impression is that one of the issues here is that these are not actually bolts, they are AN386 taper pins. Which, BTW, run about $12 each for the sizes that appear to be shown here.

Thanks, Bob K.