
Well Known Member
Ran across this video from about 7 yrs. ago of my old 125 hp, O-290G powered RV-3. Such a sweet plane. Performed well on that engine, and was light enough to comfortably make fairly slow, power-off approaches. It was very calm that day so this one was a hair under 65 mph, but I'd normally fly a little under 70, which produced a little more float. I miss that thing.

Now Eric, were you using someone's driveway. That couldn't have been more than 25 feet wide. Thanks for posting, and enjoyed.
Bill McLean
RV-4 Slider
65mph landing

That most definitely looks like a sub-70mph short final (at 75mph, you're dedicated to landing, but at 65mph you're committed!) One of the nicest features of the light RV's is if you bounce it, then just 1/4" of throttle or so will produce enough wash over the wings to instantly arrest the descent, give you plently of time to decide to either try again or go around.

Your 'four-blade-prop' on climbout sure looks good!

- Steven
700+ RV3 hours
and counting
Now Eric, were you using someone's driveway. That couldn't have been more than 25 feet wide.

Bill, 36 ft. actually...just wide enough to barely see the runway edges in the Pitts on rollout. :) Moved off that field a couple years ago, and now have a big 100' wide runway. I seemed to make better landings at the old field (W17) in the video, especially from the other end going uphill. I can tell I've gotten lazier on rollout now with the wide runway.
Nice video Eric - I have gotten to watch Louise flying in and out of our 21' wide runway ("anything wider than your wingspan is wasted pavement!") in our -3...sure gets off the ground quick - just like yours!
do you remember what prop combination you used, what your empty weight was, what you cruised at 65% power.. I have 135hp -3 that needs a new prop.

I would add a correction.....

Nice video Eric - I have gotten to watch Louise flying in and out of our 21' wide runway ("anything wider than your wingspan is wasted pavement!") in our -3...sure gets off the ground quick - just like yours!

Anything much wider than you landing gear is wasted pavement. My runway is 1' narrower than Paul & Louise's.
do you remember what prop combination you used, what your empty weight was, what you cruised at 65% power.. I have 135hp -3 that needs a new prop.


It had an Irlbeck 68x64 wood prop when I had it, which is a climb prop even for that engine. Empty weight was 690 was bare bones as a J-3. I think I remember it cruising at 155 mph at 2400 rpm. One of the successive owners put a prop with a little more pitch on it. Not sure how it did, though.