
Hey RV-3 builders: with all the guys starting -3B projects, and knowing there are likely lots of things they'll want to discuss that are unique to the -3, I have an idea for providing support. Please read on...

At work I use an online meeting tool called GoToMeeting to keep in touch with my staff and the home office. Essentially the host who has an account (me) schedules a meeting and invites people to attend via an e-mail invitation. The attendees click on the link in the invitation e-mail which loads a little applet into your browser which allows you to see exactly what's on the host's computer screen in real time. It also provides a conference call number where all the attendees are patched in on the same line. There is a limit of 15 participants with the account I have. I use it all the time at work for meetings where I have everything from agendas to product ideas or graphics on my screen so the group has visuals to support the discussion. I can also give control to any participant and they are then using my computer with us all watching. So, we could schedule GoToMeeting (GTM) sessions to discuss RV-3B building issues and use all the pictures I have to support the discussions. Anyone interested?

We could use this forum to schedule GTM sessions and set a rough agenda. It could really be like a forum at OSH only electronic. I would need e-mail addresses to include in the session invitation but those could be e-mailed to me offline, or better yet using the PM feature of this forum, so as to not make them public. Hmm, worth a try?
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I'm booked up from now through this weekend (family trip to the mountains) but we could have an introductory session mon/tues/weds to see how it works.

I think it would be best to have a general topic for each session rather than just random topics. Right now I'm getting lots of interest from either folks just getting started or who haven't started yet. So maybe the first session should just be general build Q&A, then we can dive into more specific topics. There's a zillion specific topics we could have a sessions on, just a few off the top of my head...
  • Engine choices
  • FP vs CS prop
  • Realistic empty weight and gross weight considerations.
  • Real world flying characteristics (exactly how different is it than a regular RV?)
  • Tipover vs. slider, and canopy construction advice
  • Manual vs. electric trim and techniques for each
  • Manual vs. electric flaps and techniques for each
  • Cowl cheek extension installation issues
  • Does lack of prepunching really slow you down?
  • What's a realistic project budget (it ain't 1980 anymore)
So how about the first one: "Overall build comments from three builders: Tony Spicer, Fred Bauer, Randy Lervold". Then in future sessions we can dive into more specific topics depending on interest.

There's no way we can ever align everyone's schedule, not to mention time zone differences, but in general do folks prefer during the work day (sitting at your computer pretending to be working when the boss walks by), weekday evenings, or weekends? Personally, I prefer weekdays.

Weekday nights

will work best for me, as I'm usually at the airport without a computer during the day. And if I have to speak in complete sentences, better to start NLT 2200 EST.

RV-3 Support

I don't know if your software allows digital recording of the meetings, but if it does an archive of those topics for those not able to participate would be a priceless source of information.

1993 RV4
weekday nights

are better for me. I don't have access to a computer during the day at my job. :mad: I guess I'd better dig out all of my old construction notes for review!!:p

Mike Bauer
Bartow Fl
RV-3 N87LB flying 20 Yrs.
RV-4 N742MC building 2 1/2 yrs.

Great idea. In addition, what I find most helpful are PICTURES. For example, I am currently installing the baggage floor/seat bottom pieces. I find myself scrounging around your site as well as those of Tony Spicer, Fred Bauer and Rod Holmes. For me, pictures bring the plans to life. There must be tons of other photos out there that we could somehow bring together in a central location. Not being much of a computer guy I don't quite have a handle on the mechanics of doing that.

Bill Newkirk
Prather, CA
There also needs to be some type of documentation/podcast on what went on during the discussion so people that are out in the field all day can come back and reference. I would love to be in there to see as well, but I cannot due to my work.

I want to build a -3 so bad it hurts. Airplanes are expensive but talk is cheap. Sign me up for some talk!
Date and time is all I need

Count me in. Let me know when the session will be and I'll try and make it work.
I'm in...

First I would like to say Thank You to Doug for providing a forum (VAF) where thoughts and ideas can be freely exchanged. The information we receive from VAF is priceless, not only because it benefits and furthers our individual project and/or dream, but because it benefits the greater good of the 'experimental' class of GA aircraft. Strength in numbers becomes significant when there's unity... and VAF provides unity!

Now... Thank You Randy for organizing a specialized discussion group for the benefit those who are following the footsteps of -3 builders who have gone before us. Not only will your efforts have an immediate benefit for many of us, the contributions received will be recorded for the benefit all future builders. Your contribution is a great example of what has made VAF the envy of all other builder groups.

Ok... I'm in... and I'll adjust my schedule to accommodate the majority.

Quick thought; Plan notes (mark-up) might be a good starting point. In the early days of the Harmon Rocket, I believe that Mark Frederick did extensive plan notes and that the remarks from builders who used them were unanimous in stating they saved their bacon and money on many an occasion. Just a thought.
great idea

I would also like to be included in the program, I am (hopefully) in the last 6 months of construction on my RV-3.

Thanks Perry
JR, nothing scheduled right now. If there is interest in a particular topic I'm happy to schedule a session. We've held one session so far which was for guys seriously considering making the commitment. It went well I think, we talked and looked at pics for an hour and a half. IIRC we had six folks on the line.