
Just thinking out loud, who has a favorite RV-3 saying/tagline/slogan such as...

"RV-3, the right number of seats."

"RV-3: Less is More."

"RV-3: you won't understand until you've flown one."

"RV-3... the original"

A good enough slogan might make for a good t-shirt to walk around OSH in.
I've heard something like this pertaining to single place:

"RV-3 : Leave the nagging wife at home"

.... but I wouldn't recommend that... :eek:
Real RV Pilots Fly 3's.

RV-3; Flying Single

RV-3; A Single Solution

RV-3; It's Fun Be Single.. Again.

Have You Worn An RV-3 Lately?

No Transition Training Allowed
Just Get In And Learn
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1. The social experience of a single seat aircraft is wonderful.

2. RV-3, leave home without it.

3. RV-3, does more things before 9 AM before any other aircraft.

4. "In the beginning there was the RV-3, and the RV-3 was king."

5. ?The quicker picker-upper.?

6. ?A little dab'll do ya.?

7. ?Have it your way.?

8. ?Where do you want to go today??

9. ?It's RV-3 time!?

10. "You give us 22 minutes, we'll give you the world."

11. ?Drivers wanted.?

12. "Just do it."

13. "Think small."

14. ?It's everywhere you want to be.?

15. "The ultimate flying machine."

16. "When you got it, flaunt it."

17. "The antidote for civilization."

18. "When it absolutely, positively has to be there overnight."

19. "Finger lickin' good."

20. "Because I'm worth it."

21. "Let your fingers do the walking."

1. RV-3.............need I say more?
2. RV-3 the beginning of the "grin":D:D:D
3. RV-3 the best of the best!

Great thread!! it's about time we -3 drivers speak up!!!

Mike Bauer
RV-3 N87LB Flying (yes I will be keeping it)
RV-4 N742MC building
When I was a partner in a Cherokee we were always hanging around for someone to get ready or show up. Hence the saying

RV3 = No Waiting
RV-3, one SOB

RV-3, one seat at the head of the class

RV-3, the head of the class

RV-3, nobody to blame

RV-3, just talking to myself

RV-3, not too crowded

RV-3, not two crowded

RV-3, in good company

RV-3, before all the compromises

RV-3, before all the compromising

RV-3, one seat before all the others

RV-3, one seat before the others

RV-3, alone in the sky
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A Nooner only Sooner... the -3 beats them all!

From the joke ... What's a morner?

Guess that's why I have so many kids and so little money! Couldn't resist.

R.E. "Ernie" Butcher
Flyin' Tiger Field of Dreams
For the physics minded...

RV-3 - the Singularity.

and for the criminal minded,

RV-3 - if the glove fits, you must submit. :eek:
RV-3 Slogan

RV-3 One seat fits all.

Jim Ayers
RV-3 sn 50 N47RV
Will, it used too. :)
Max pilot weight 309#
"Used to fly with Griff in the back seat, like the THREE better."