Graham Kerr

I'm New Here
Pushing my RV-3 N555RV her hangar the other night I banged the white rudder strobe on top ov the vertical fin on the wing strut of another a/c. Result: total destruction of that light. Have been unable to find another one! Went to Vans who told me that it was a Whelen light which is out of production and that Vans no longer uses Whelen lights. Went to Whelen who couldn't point me in the right direction. Have been told that it was an A-600 light.
HELP: any RV-3 guy out there know where I can get a replacement?
Hi Graham,

Unfortunately, there was no “standard” light for the RV-3 tail - there was no provision for one, so whoever built your airplane did a custom installation. However, I am pretty sure that if you contact Whelen, they would have an LED replacement for that model light that you could adapt.
