
Well Known Member
Last September, I and a good friend, Steve Price, began work on a 28 yr. old, tired RV-3, hoping to complete the wing mods that might return the aircraft to aerobatic status. As per my entry in the thread, http://www.vansairforce.com/community/showthread.php?t=21839&highlight=wing+mod , we chose not to do the wing mod, but did go about a longer than expected restoration. We removed the wings, and all the flight controls, and anything else that could reasonably be removed (not the engine) and refurbished, and rebuilt the lower engine cowling, canopy side panels, and wing & tail fairings; re-wired & "neated up" much of the wiring that had been added over the years; added a Becker comm as Com 1 and left the old Wag-Aero radio as Com 2; installed new aluminum-skinned fiberglass (inner) fuel tanks, new fuel lines and gauges (no leaks & gauges work great); and stripped off all the old paint (major undertaking!); see new paint job below, chosen to cover up a multitude of "crows' feet."

Two days ago, I flight tested the a/c with new N# in place (N234FT, formerly N90516) and she flew just fine, with no gripes, but I had not checked out the NavAid autopilot, which was good enough reason to fly her again yesterday and check it out - all OK.

There's no way that I could explain here the trials & tribulations that Steve and I went through with this restoration, but most who read here will understand that it was no easy undertaking.

RV-3, N234FT, bought flying & restored
RV-4, N44LR, bought flying
Time to crack open an adult beverage or two and celebrate your accomplishment and contribution to RV's everywhere by resurrecting an old bird. Some say the -3 is the best of the flock, I say they are not wrong.

Well Done.
Congrats, its nice to have another RV3 in the air. Be aware that an RV3 is a small and fast airplane and with that paint job it will be hard for others to see. Keep your head on a swivel, call your positions in the pattern.
RV3 x 2


Ya got me beat by 8 years! Mines been flying for 20 years. About 5 years ago, we too did a restoration of the plane. We found nothing was cracked or stressed in any way. We also did a re-paint to make it more visable to other A/C, like the man said keep your head on a swivel.
Keep on flying!!!!:D

Mike Bauer
RV-3 N87LB flying
RV-4 N742MC Building
RV-3 Restoration


Will this RV live at KAWM or M01?

I am the Cherokee pilot 2 doors down from your KAWM location.

I look forward to seeing the finished product.
Barney, Thanks for the Warm Welcome

I was lucky enough to meet Barney, Steve, Katharine, Frank, Jerry, Bill and Gene at Dewitt Spain (M01) last week. What a wonderful collection of enthusiasts. Barney had 3 RV3's parked outside his hanger, I knew that must be some kind of special moment.

Also got my first RV-8A ride in Jerry's beautiful plane, thanks for the warm welcome from the Memphis gang.
Cool paint job! Kinda looks like a P-51 from the Dominican Air Force...

Lest there be any mistake......(Dominican Air Force)

Tomorrow, I will add a black "stars & bars" decal to each side of the old girl.

I cannot express how much fun this resurrection has been........take an old worn out aircraft, tear it down, find nothing un-airworthy, re-assemble it and then fly it in close trail (**** close trail) with one of the only retractable RV-4's, over-the-top, and never worry about what she looks like - she's camo, y'know.................luv'n every minute of it.

Need -3 plans

Great looking paint job. My Murphy Rebel is all one color--desert sand. Everyone not in the know, thinks it's some kind of spook plane. Need help. I bought a -3 that went over on it's back about a year ago. I am tyring to find a set of plans to rebuild her. Came with a Lyc 160 hp and the wings are in pretty good shape. The plane was built by Bernie Warnke who made props for homebuilts. There is a mod kit still in the box for the wings. Got some time before I start on her as I am in the middle of a -9 hoping to make the "big cut" on the canopy tomorrow (7/8) 115 today in the desert.
Call Vans

Call the mothership- Vans, If your story sounds good and maybe a little humorous- They may give you a set of plans for the rebuild. For any RV, the most updated plans set would be worth it.
No love from the mothership

Bought a preview set for $45 that helped out alot and ordered a new VS and R plus one bulkhead. Any idea as to whom I could send the crank for insp and repair?