
I'm thinking about creating and hosting an "RV-3 registry" on my web site, www.rv-3.com. We had this functionality on the old YahooGroups site but there's not really any place here for it. I thought it was fairly interesting to be able to compare the specs on all the planes listed. My question is, would it be worth the trouble?

The RV-3 community is fairly small and the more we all communicate and share information the better. If folks would find it useful I'll consider it. I'm not an advanced web programmer and it therefore might be just a simple table rather than something fancy. Assuming I did do this what fields would you want to see? Any particular format you think would be useful?

Just thinking...
Hey Randy,

I know one suggestion that was made concerning this was Dan's site at www.rvproject.com/wab. If that provides a sufficient amount of information for each aircraft, I suggest we go there to minimize the "more than one location" problem. Maybe Dan would even import the records from the Yahoo group. Yahoo does have an export feature. I'm sure Dan could import that relatively easy.

If we do want something different I can help set that up and even provide database support if it's needed.
Should we just use Dan's site, or should I duplicate a similar registry on my site? Dan's database is really for W&B purposes, although that's a big part of what we'd probably all want out of it any way. Frankly I had forgetten about it and didn't think of it as a "registry" per se anyway. I'd want to also list the kit/plans number and builder, which may not be the current owner. I'd also like to put a link for a pic for each entry.

What's everyone think... use Dan's or do an RV-3 specific version on my site? I'm ok either way.
It would be fun (useful) to add two fields under comments
Would do again
Would NOT do again

RV3 flying
northern california
Since there are no RV-3's currently listed on Dan's site, now is certainly the time to decide. It already sounds like Dan's site will not provide everything we're after. Randy's site is already the Unofficial Headquarters and he's offered to set this up as well. That sounds like the best option.
Id like to see you host it Randy.
After all you ARE the RV-3 web dude. I like having different places to go. These ads are killing me.

Ok, here's a preliminary list of data fields...

Kit/plans number
Current owner
Wing type (type 1, type 2, or B)
Wing mods (CN-1, CN-2)
Fuel tanks (wing or fuse)
Battery location
Empty weight
Empty CG
Gross weight
Status (building, flying, rebuilding)

I'd like to have the ability to sort by column. To keep maintenance reasonable I could easily just put this in an Excel spreadsheet with a link, clicking on it would open Excel within your browser and let you sort to your heart's content.

With a plane like the RV-3 I can't help but think that this sort of registry would be more important than any other RV model.

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old days

I just flew my time off a 7A at Bakersfield muni L45. Airpark to some.

I was talking to Harry Hackney and he said times aren't the same anymore.

At one time there were 27 flying RV 3's at the airport. Every Sat. was a fly out. The Bakersfield Bunch probably pushed RV's to lots of people.

Now, HR2's and a handful of RV's.
And like yesterday, an HR 3 returning home from the Tulare Tractor Show.


I gave the web site a makeover a few months ago and wanted to re-do the registry. The data isn't lost, it's right here, but I'd like to "reinvent" it to make it more useful and haven't gotten to it yet.
You must be a real glutten for punishment to offer this RV3 registry on top of your obvious workload, thanks.

I saw you had mentioned being able to specify on your registry whether you were;

This is a good idea to get all of us "connected". Even if someone is not yet flying their RV3 they are still an asset to the group.
We all can trade information on building and flying and we would be aware of who owns and flys the RV3. You know how it is, there are times we might have someone located very close to us, sometimes in the very same town, and we don't even know they are there.
Best format for RV-3 Registry?

You must be a real glutten for punishment to offer this RV3 registry on top of your obvious workload, thanks.
I saw you had mentioned being able to specify on your registry whether you were;
This is a good idea to get all of us "connected". Even if someone is not yet flying their RV3 they are still an asset to the group.
We all can trade information on building and flying and we would be aware of who owns and flys the RV3. You know how it is, there are times we might have someone located very close to us, sometimes in the very same town, and we don't even know they are there.
Fred - A very early version of the registry was a simple table which can be seen here. This lets you scan the data nicely but you need to scroll left/right all the time to see anything. Also, if I insert a pic thumbnail then it gets quite large vertically. I could also just use an Excel file and let everyone view it online like this. Problem is not everyone has Excel, and there's no provision for pics other than just a text link. I know we all like to see the plane we're looking at.

You know, I think I'll do a poll and see what folks prefer. Look for a post on this.