
Active Member
I'm new to the forum, and RV's (I own a 172 right now but am looking to move "up") and was curious what reasonable real world performance numbers one might expect for an original RV-3 with an O-290G and a 64 inch climb prop (don't know the other numbers or brand yet).
It seems to me that 150 mph is on the slow side for that set up (It's on Barnstormers), but curious what others may know, or what various combination's give what kind of performance numbers.

Ryan in Madison, WI
If you can reach Bob Vasey

If you can reach Bob Vasey he may know. He has raced his RV-3 in the AirVenture Cup Race for years. My findings are that the Van's numbers are very reliable. The original version of the RV-3 has a history and you would do well to research a specific airplane's modifications before buying.

Bob Axsom
Are you interested in the airplane? I doubt you'll find much comparison data for this engine/prop combination. I used to own this plane and flew it for 5 yrs. I can tell you that it flies so nice, you won't really care how fast it goes. It's one of the lightest ones built, and can be slowed down a little more than other RV's. The builder used to fly off a 700ft strip of grass. Not many other planes you can get for the money that will land this short and cruise at 150 mph. If that's not fast enough for you, just realize that no matter how fast you're going, you always want to go a little faster. :)
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I saw this airplane for sale too, and thought that the 150 MPH cruise speed was a bit low. Maybe the owner is using indicated airspeed for his cruise speed numbers instead of true airspeed. 150 MPH indicated at 8,000 feet on a standard day would be about 170 MPH true. Accordong to the Van's website, this would be just under 65% power for a 125 HP engine. Combined with the climb prop that would be about right...
RV transition?

On a different note, is there anyone who does RV transition training in the WI/IL area, specifically the taildraggers?

Just curious, as I get ready to call my insurance company to see what kind of dual time they want before I take the plunge...

Ryan in Madison