
Does anyone have correct ordinates for the RV-3 instrument panel? Both plans sets I have (early and late) don't seem to be right.
Here's what I started with. Then I used some curves and faired it from there. Seems to be okay.

0 and 9.67 or 9.65

1 and 9.65

2 and 9.56

3 and 9.38

4 and 9.12

5 and 8.77

6 and 8.33

7 and 7.82

8 and 7.18

9 and 6.37.

The remainder are fine.

I thought about measuring mine for you, but the 1" lines are long gone now, and my panel is deeper than standard anyway. Have a look at my VAF blog for post #389, where I describe how my panel is 1/2" taller, all at the bottom, and there's still plenty of clearance to the top of the stick. But note that I'm not going to use one of those military-style grips, festooned with switches, cup holders, microwave and studded snow tires. Mine will be rather basic.

Dave, thank you so much!

My control colun will be plain vanilla, just a rubber grip; the top few inches of the stick are angled forward for ergonomics (and perhaps safety, not to have a spear point irecly at one's chest).

Onmy way to your blog now.

Again, many thank!!!!!!!
I am building a new panel for my 3B right now.
I have a STEP file of the new panel that I created in SolidWorks if that would be of any use to you. I have not actually fitted the actual panel into the airframe yet, but I have printed the file out full scale, cut it out and held in place and it looks like a pretty good fit in my airframe. I would be happy to share the STEP file or a DWG or DXF file.
FYI... my ordinate points are slightly different from the ones Dave listed above. I did use the original plans ordinate points as a reference with some massaging.
I just copied the full scale drawing #17 layout, made a cardboard template which looked OK then cut the panel to that. Essentially the same as the plan drawing. I think it is OK. I did need to trim a very small amount from one edge to clear the windscreen bow to allow the panel to be removable, this particular clearance wouldn't be an issue with tip over canopy, tip overs could have other differences though I guess.

One thing worth mentioning, is that I am planning to build a composite canopy frame/fairing. Since I won't be using the factory canopy frame, I wasn't bothered about trying to match that curvature.


The dimensions on the plans are correct. The problem is where the dimensions are taken from.
The dimensions from 0 to 9 inches from the centerline are taken 8.5" down from the peak. Which is the top of longeron.
The dimensions at 10 to 11.9 inches from centerline are taken from the bottom of the panel. Which is 1 3/16" lower.
Overall height is 9 11/16".
So either add 1.19 to the first 10 or subtract 1.19 from the last 5 and you will get the correct curve.
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