tin man

Well Known Member
I should be in the Phoenix area early next week (mon-tue). If any 3 builders would like to meet up I can show you a 10 year old 1200 hour RV3 and answere some questions.
RV3 978TM
160+ hp 0320
Catto prop,
couple of speed mods.
I'm a long way from Phoenix but you're signature mentions " a few speed mods" My airframe is complete , starting on the canopy and systems, using Grove lightwt. wheels, lamb tires,smaller wheelpants, 4" tailwheel and made fillet wing fairings.
Can you describe you're mods ?

Where are you going to park? No, I don't need any parts :) just might be in the area and like to see another 3.
Robert Ruggles RV3A N622TB @Goodyear AZ.
Surprise AZ