
VAF Moderator / Line Boy
We few, We Hearty "Band of Brothers" (and Sisters), We builders of the -3....we must MEET!

The question is when? We need to work around the Van's Day activities on Monday, and the morning of Tuesday is tied up with the Theater in The Woods tribute to Van. many homebuilders starting making their escape after Wednesday (Oshkosh is always a bit sad later in the week), but Wednesday is an option.

How about Sunday afternoon/ Will folks be planning to be there by then?

Chime in all of you brave souls building -3's. Doubtless, whatever time we pick will not not work for everyone, and someone will have to miss it. But if we can get a majority to be happy, that would be great. Those that aren't happy? Well, you're building a primitive're used to being unhappy....:D

I'll throw out three options that work for me:

Sunday, 1600
Tuesday, 1400
Wednesday, 1200
I'm in...

All three times could work for me, though Sunday may
be sketchy if there are weather delays coming from the
west coast.

Looking forward to meeting the gang... And of course I'll
have the new baby with me :).

- Dan Benua
Anytime for me too, but Sunday might be cutting it close. Not sure yet how we are getting there, it's either Cub or Scare-line.

Can't wait to see Tsam and Danny Boy!
Thanks for the inputs so far folks - we'll leave this open for more comments for a while, then pick a time in a week or so. Looks like Sunday is too "iffy" for folks (not surprised), I may now be tied up with the RV-1 on Tuesday afternoon....we'll see how it setles out. And I am really lookign forwad to seing "Danny Boy" as well!

Come on, we had a dozen folks at last year's -3 builders gathering - where'd everybody go? :)

We'll take any more inputs then post a meeting time next week sometime. I'm leaning towards Wedensday, unless a bunch of folks say they can't be there then.

If a day and time is set while I am still at OSH and it is not during one of the two RV Formation teams that are flying time slots, I will be there with my camera to document it.
Wednesday, Noon, Van's Tent

OK folks executive decision:

Wednesday, High Noon (1200 Local time)

Meet at Van's tent by the Grand-pappy of them all, the RV-1. Come fed or bring your lunch, and we'll talk RV-3's. The advantage to meeting at Van's as it should be a short walk to any and all the various RV-3's that will be there to inspect and give/get ideas.

The other advantage to meeting at Van's is that if the group is big enough, we can make the factory support folks veeeery nervous that we are starting a movement.... :)

non builder's also let in

Paul, are RV-3 non builders but own and fly one also invited to attend?