
VAF Moderator / Line Boy
Before we committed to the dual-screen G3X for the RV-3, I did two things – made the panel about ¾” taller (well, actually, I lowered the bottom edge by that amount), and I made some very carefully-measured templates to make sure that I would have corner clearance, even with the canopy frame in place. All looked “Go”, but not by much, so it was with a sigh of relief that I installed the display units for the first time in the panel today – and everything fit! It doesn’t leave much room, that’s for sure – but the panel mounted equipment weighs about half what traditional steam gauge six-pack would, not counting a vacuum system.


It appears that I’ll have room for four 2-1/4” holes, and a couple of switches on the panel itself. Currently, we’re thinking autopilot head, ADI, ASI, and altimeter (as backups). It’s too bad that Tru Trak can’t make the Gemini fit in the small hole, but they told me at OSH that it wasn’t in the cards.

For those that didn’t get to see these at OSH, the panels are incredibly thin – here’s the backside of the panel:


Think 696 without the battery (about half the weight) for an idea how light they are.

We’re making good enough progress on the fuselage that I need to keep fooling around with the panel and support options – next is a center radio stack – because we could be running wires, plumbing, and other systems before I know it!

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VERY COOL PAUL!!! That will certainly be the most well equipped RV-3 on the planet when you guys finish her up!

Looks GREAT!!!

- Peter

I've got a single-screen G3X in my RV-3 and absolutely love it. I'm sure the two-screen will be even better. I'll also confess to a bit of prop envy as I see you're setting up your airplane for constant speed. (I've got the fixed-pitch Sensenich and performance is limited by prop RPM.) The AP will be great to have, too. Keep up the great work . . .

Dave Hirschman
Hey Paul,

Considering your heritage, you just gotta have a "Gemini" in that panel!!! Heck won't that do the job of at least three of those backups? That is going to be one slick fun machine!
Hey Paul,

Considering your heritage, you just gotta have a "Gemini" in that panel!!! Heck won't that do the job of at least three of those backups? That is going to be one slick fun machine!

Man, I'd love to have one - but they aren't going to make it in the 2-1/4" form, and there isn't anywhere I can put a larger one. It really WOULD be the perfect solution if it fit....

Sweet, Paul.

I've re-allocatd some funds for the dual G3X and Gemini set-up in my -8A...perfect solution. Flash can be a terrible influence at times.:cool:

Sweet, Paul.

I've re-allocatd some funds for the dual G3X and Gemini set-up in my -8A...perfect solution. Flash can be a terrible influence at times.:cool:


At least you've got room for the Gemini Joe! TT told me that they just can't figure out how to package it as a 2-1/4", and that's all the -3 panel has room for on either side of the G3's.

I have power on the displays as of yesterday - I'll post some pictures when I get a chance. It's a little funny having the PFD slightly off center, but I think we'll get used to it.;)

"It's a little funny having the PFD slightly off center..."

Yea, I'm a 'symmetry' freak. But in this case, I would make an exception.

Looking forward to the pics.
would you mind dropping a pic or two of the GSU and GMU, along with the cable and pin outs,

I have the documentation but it would be nice to see a actuall pic of the hardware they send. Getting ready to pull the trigger on the G3x our selfs, I its hard to pass up with the rebate there offering.

Thank you for showing the back of the gdu as well, its going to be a wire mess, but it looks a little less daunting with the single innocent looking Pin-out
would you mind dropping a pic or two of the GSU and GMU, along with the cable and pin outs,

To be honest, I haven't taken those out of th boxes since the day they arrived - just not ready to install them, so they are in the parts locker to keep them clean and safe until it's time to start building installation hardware. I was surprised at how small the GMU is - there will be no trouble fitting it on to the aft deck of the -3, in one of the access/lightening holes.

Pictures will come when they come out - might not be too long! I talked with Stein last week about the amount of wire I'll need to build the harnesses, and I am looking forward to some wire work soon.

Thank You,

and Good Luck, we as well have many hours before we REALLY need to assemble the panel, But it sure helps the motivational factor!

Did Stein happen to tell you approximately how many hours they quote for a g3x install "oblivious equipment pending" I am judging about 100 hours with my set up