
I have an older RV 3 that I will soon have flying again, the builder only had a fuel sump at the gascolator on the firewall, it has a fuselage tank, is this adequate ? The gascolator is below the tank, just seems to far away from the tank to drain the water out if there is some, what do others have?
As long as it is below the tank, should be fine.

Water is heavier than avgas, so that is why you sump at the low point of the system.
Fuel Tank Drain

My RV3 has a fuel tank drain as well as a firewall gascolator drain.
I have never had a problem with water but I?m pedantic in keeping the fuel tank full When I know I?m going away and not flying the 3 for a couple of weeks.
If your tank is the same as mine with a flop tube you could get quite a bit of water in the tank before any would would show at the gascolator. But this could also mean whilst flying there is a potential to pick up a lot of water.
When I had my tank repaired I recalibrated my fuel gauge and from empty it took 2 litres of fuel before there was enough fuel for the pump to start pumping.

Points for consideration

Happy flying
Fuel Tank Drain

Thanks for all the input, I guess I'll just leave it the way it is, just wanted to make sure it would do the job.