
Active Member
Hi, I'm looking into a RV3 that has wing mods that are similar to Vans prescribed modifications. My question, does this retract from the value of the plane and would look to your opinions. Would it be reasonable to remove what was done and start with VANS solution? I've checked several of the members responses as to cost for the modification. Does anyone have any hard $$ values to convert to 3B?

Additionally, I'm looking at a 3 that has been licensed for acro maneuvers that has demonstrated some higher G loads. Where/what would I look at to understand loads/limits and stress for loads beyond limits. I would certainly conduct a thorough check, dye, etc just looking for key points. Thanks much .
Hi, I'm looking into a RV3 that has wing mods that are similar to Vans prescribed modifications. My question, does this retract from the value of the plane and would look to your opinions. Would it be reasonable to remove what was done and start with VANS solution? I've checked several of the members responses as to cost for the modification. Does anyone have any hard $$ values to convert to 3B?

Additionally, I'm looking at a 3 that has been licensed for acro maneuvers that has demonstrated some higher G loads. Where/what would I look at to understand loads/limits and stress for loads beyond limits. I would certainly conduct a thorough check, dye, etc just looking for key points. Thanks much .

I think it would kill the resale value unless you could show who engineered the mods and that they have a lot of expertise in this area. I would question why they did not do the vans mods. Any mod dealing with loads on a critical flight structure is very complex. Unless extremely well engineered I would consider it more of a negative then a unmodified aircraft.