
VAF Moderator / Line Boy
I love opening up new boxes of stuff. We?ve collected a lot of these special boxes over the last couple of months, since it?s nice to have everything on hand when you need it ? and the other day I needed to open the box labeled ?Exhaust System?. I had talked with Larry Vetterman at LOE last year, and he told me he?d make my system whenever I needed it ? and he?d make it up himself. Sure enough, this four-pipe system is remarkably well made, and the fit is outstanding. Everything we needed was in the box, right down to a few extra washers ?just in case?, and the pipes bolted right up.

The ball joints made it easy to line them up, and the hangars hold each pair of exhaust pipes firmly. I haven?t attached the hangers at the top yet (the system probably needs to come off to install a few more things easily), but that should be straightforward.

One of the best parts (aside from the Master?s touch of quality)? I like the four separate pipes because if we need to do some maintenance, each one comes off separately. I remember my old four-into-the-muffler Grumman exhaust ? work on one jug, and the whole thing had to come off?..

Thanks Larry ? wonderful work!





French doors in the hangar? I'm guessin there's not a double wide on the other side. Kinda jealous.
Vettermans rock !

Couldn't agree more Paul,

By nature I bitch and moan about the cost of everything and bought the Vettermans thinking of it as a luxury item.

When I got it out of the box I realised I was wrong - it looked beautifull.

No sooner was it out of the box than it was installed - abolutely fuss free and a total joy to work with.

I would suggest to anyone "just get the Vetterman's system - it is the most cost effective solution".

Mark Bolton
Yep, my Vetterman exhaust was the only item on my plane that required no cursing upon installation.
Paul, since you are using individual pipes, rather than two-into-two or four-into-one, you may want to consider adding extentions on to the two rear cylinder pipes to make them all the same resonant length, otherwise you may get differential filling of the front and rear cylinders at different rpm. Paul