
VAF Moderator
I am missing sketches SK-5 and SK-6 from my builders manual. The sketches show the layout of the elevator skins. More importantly they show how to cut out the trim tab from the skin. Anyone have a copy they could send me electronically or by any other means.

I'll call vans Monday morning in hopes that they still have the sketches laying around.
I have them.

I will take them in to work and scan them tomorrow if nobody responds today.
Unless you are a Zin Master at making perfect cuts I would recommend concentrating on making a good square cut on the skin and plan on making a new trim tab with some spare .016 or .020.
Unless you are a Zin Master at making perfect cuts I would recommend concentrating on making a good square cut on the skin and plan on making a new trim tab with some spare .016 or .020.
I'm with ya.

Unless you are a Zin Master at making perfect cuts I would recommend concentrating on making a good square cut on the skin and plan on making a new trim tab with some spare .016 or .020.

I agree the trim tab is hard but I have no dimensions for the skin layouts and cuts. Me thinks the sketches are a must have.

I will take them in to work and scan them tomorrow if nobody responds today.

I'll leave the elevators for later but I figured that since I needed to make stiffeners for the rudder why not lay out the elevators and make them at the same time. I think I really need the sketches for the layout.

If you do remember my email address is zilik at excelgeo dot com or zilik at wispertel dot net

Thanks a bunch
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