
According to the manual the elevator up and down travel should be 30?.
With the up travel there was no problem to get the 30?, while the down travel was difficult to achieve. Though having notched out the elevator horns and the spar of the HS I can only get about 27? down travel. Do you think these 27? are enough? Did you achieve the 30? up and down?


Correction to my input!

Down travel is less than up in my plans. My -3B plans call for 30/25 up MAX and 25/20 down. I set bth for midrange with machined delrin stops in the fuse bulkhead. The notch in your elevator horn looks just like mine if that' any comfort😊
Larry, do you remember, where in the plans it is written that 30/25 up MAX and 25/20 down is enough?
In my manual on page 8-11 they say "Elevator travel is to be 30 deg. up and down. The up stop is to be a piece of aluminum riveted to the rear bulkhead F-311"
BTW they don?t say in which way to measure. In my opinion one should measure in this way, along the center line.

.. ok here it seems to be 29?, but it?s hard to attach the level to the centerline with one hand and making the foto with the other hand.

measuring in the way below, you add the taper of the elevator to the angle

What I did was make the elevator co-planar with the stabilizer, i.e., the elevator in trail. Then I placed the angle measuring device on the top of the elevator, zeroed it, and measured the deflections from that.

If you zero the device on the elevator it'll read correctly.

Measurement technique

Like David said, I established the chord line through the stab / elevator and called that 0 datum. Per my email, section 15 in my documentation has a table that define max / min for up and down travel.

I wil send you pics by email.
I remeasured the way, both of you said, with a cord line through the stab and the elevator and then zeroing the level on the tapered elevator. I get 28.8? down travel. With the table from section 15 (I never read so far ahead) I?m very fine within the limits.
Thank you Larry and David.
