
Well Known Member
An RV-3 went down in Putnam County not to far from Greencastle aiport today! The pilot Walt Fritz was critically injured with both legs and arms broken and cuts to his head. The Airplane was totaly destroyed! lets pray for Walt and hope he can fly again! http://www.wthr.com/global/story.asp?s=9965465
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My thoughts and prayers are with Walt and Family tonight. Hopefully the outcome will be good.
high winds Saturday

I flew to Rough River KY for breakfast on Saturday and had planned on going over to Dana?s fly-in at I39 but winds were getting strong (gusting up to 33MPH) so headed back to Southern Indiana. Had no trouble landing because winds were straight down 18. Read that he had engine failure and was not from the high winds. Prayers are with Walt and family.
Walt is a good friend of mine. He's pretty banged up right now and still in ICU but knowing Walt he'll make it through this. We're not sure what happened yet but I can tell you, after seeing the whats left of the airplane, I'm amazed he was able to survive.
Glad to hear that the pilot survived and will probably fly again. I'm interested in the details, especially damage to a/c and atitude it impacted the ground. I spend a lot of time in an RV3 and am always trying to improve my odds for survival in the event of a crash. Pm me if you'd like to keep the details off the forum.