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Well Known Member
I think I know the answer to this, but thought i would ask anyway. I just have 1 flight on my RV-3 since repairs (and purchase) and hope to finish the gear fairings and wheel pants this weekend(thanks for the input on my last post)

So when I flew it home...I realized, I had no check list. You get check list drummed into you during flight training, and I was frozen for a bit. I had the operating limitations, and have done lots of reading up, and put together a few hours of -7 time prepping, but no check list.

Since it is amature built...I am guessing I may have to make my own check lists specific to my airplane. Once I have it in the air, I can get a better idea of climb performance, VX/VY, starting proceedure can come out of the Lycoming manual and rob from the Decathlon POH (which also has an IO-320-E2B). Fixed pitch prop, noy much there...I am guessing I just have to get working on it.

If anyone has templates or lists to help me get started, would appreciate any head start.
Dave Cronwall
[email protected]
Transition Info


Part three of the transition syllabus in the Safety forum has a generic draft handbook that would help you develop a suitable checklist and may have some other info you may find useful. There is a link to the current version in the last post.

Drop a PM if you'd like a word version or have any questions.

Enjoy the plane!

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