
VAF Moderator / Line Boy
OK, we all know that the answer to this question is "Look for it in the manual!!!" But this is an RV-3, and things are a little diferent....I DID look in the manual, and the Airspeed Indiciator Marking Table lists ranges for the -4,6,7,8,9,10.....but not for the -3!

So does anyone know the white, green, yellow ranges for the RV-3? I could just use the table for the -4, but curious what others have used. I've got to get an ASI marked up for the panel.

From Randy's POH (note the high stall speed over Vans numbers):

Operating Speeds ? MPH

Speed mph IAS
Vne Never Exceed 230 mph
Vno Maximum Structural Cruising 193 mph
Va Maneuvering 142 mph
Vfe Maximum Flap Extended 110 mph ? 20? 100 mph ? Full
Vy Best Rate of Climb 125 mph
Vx Best Angle of Climb 85 mph
Vs Stall Speed Clean 62 mph
Vso Stall Speed w/flaps 58 mph
Vbg Best Glide 85 mph

Operating Speeds ? KNOTS

Speed kts IAS
Vne Never Exceed 200 kts
Vno Maximum Structural Cruising 168 kts
Va Maneuvering 124 kts
Vfe Maximum Flap Extended 96 kts ? 20? 87 kts ? Full
Vy Best Rate of Climb 107 kts
Vx Best Angle of Climb 73 kts
Vs Stall Speed Clean 53 kts
Vso Stall Speed w/flaps 50 kts
Vbg Best Glide 73 kts
Hi Paul...

As you know, the UK rules/LAA can be somewhat restrictive, but at least the numbers they quote should be fact based, rather than plucked from thin air which the US Experimental rules could be seen to condone ;)

The basic limits the LAA quote for the RV-3B are:
  • VA: 118K
  • MAUW: 1175lbs
  • 'g' Limits: +6/-3
  • Max Aeros Weight: 1050lbs
  • CG: 59.72"-64.58" (63.5" Aeros)
  • VNE: 182K
  • VFE: 87K

Thanks guys - good inputs! I should have thought to check Randy's POH - forgot about that. His numbers pretty much correspond to the RV-4. And the UK numbers generally have some pedigree.

The airspeed indicators on Van's website list the same markings for the RV-3, 4, & 6.
I'm pretty sure they are the same.
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The airspeed indicators on Van's website list the same markings for the RV-3, 4, &6.
I'm pretty sure they are the same.

Ahhh - Another good bit of deductive reasoning! I love these little "Easter eggs" we need to find to build the -3....;)
Is it a requirement to have airspeed markings on your backup airspeed indicator? If not, you could leave it blank and use only the adjustable range markings on your EFIS while you figure out what the speeds are. Then you could send the mechanical ASI out to be marked up.

Is it a requirement to have airspeed markings on your backup airspeed indicator? If not, you could leave it blank and use only the adjustable range markings on your EFIS while you figure out what the speeds are. Then you could send the mechanical ASI out to be marked up.


Well technically speaking (Mel can/will correct me...), since we don't even legally have to have an airspeed indicator, I see no reason why you couldn't get by without any range markings at all, so certainly this approach would be fine in my book. That's certainly how I would do it if this were a new aircraft design of course. But since most of the actual range marks (other than the bottom end of the white and green) are design numbers, there isn't much reason not to mark them now. Low end numbers are usually sort of +/- anyway (and more-so on a tiny instrument), so I figure we'll just do it and not worry about it.

I'll be flying to the fancy EFIS anyway! :D
If the instrument is installed, it should be marked. Especially "design" parameters such as VNE. The regs do not stipulate between primary and back-up instruments.
Speed mph IAS
Vne Never Exceed 230 mph
Vno Maximum Structural Cruising 193 mph

These speeds seem a bit high; if the RV3B is the same as the RV4 then the recommended speeds per the RV4 manual are:

Vne=210 mph
Vno=180 mph