Gee, how long has Cirrus been building "turboprop SR22's"? That's like calling a minivan "a nascar" because it has rubber tires... :rolleyes:


P.S. Yes Bob, I know the poor reporter is just doing his job, I'm joking. ;)
From what I understand from Van's (unnamed sources) is that the RV-16 is still on the drawing boards. They were hoping to start the proof of concept plane late this Fall. Apparently it it suppose to be a six place version of the RV-10 and powering it with A IO-720. They are hoping for a cruise speed of 240 knots. Should be interesting to hear more about it.
16 = 2 x 8

When I saw the RV16 title to this thread, the first thing I thought was some enterprising builder had married two 8's in the fashion of an F-82. Hmmm....

Old Technology

The original "RV-8" was two -4s put together this way (never built). Van published it in an RVator back in the early '90s as an April Fool's joke. He even did a complete article about how to find an old Apache to cannibalize. Too many people took it seriously and made him regret the joke.
I did a "computer" picture of my -6 in the same way to produce a side-by-side-by-side-by-side 4-place. Van just looked at it and said, "Please don't be showing that around."
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Norman CYYJ said:
From what I understand from Van's (unnamed sources) is that the RV-16 is still on the drawing boards. They were hoping to start the proof of concept plane late this Fall. Apparently it it suppose to be a six place version of the RV-10 and powering it with A IO-720. They are hoping for a cruise speed of 240 knots. Should be interesting to hear more about it.

got any links to sources?
i'd love to have a look at this.
They should check pricing on 720s these days and availability.

A turbo 540 Lyc or Conti makes way more sense.
I wouldn't hold your breath waiting on a -16 for a while. When I talked to Tom Green more than a few years ago, "Van had to be dragged kicking and screaming" into considering the -10. He didn't feel there was market justification for it. It seemed like a no brainer to me, but I guess those Dutch are an extremely conservative bunch. Lucky for us, that is a good trait to have in an aircraft designer. :)
Quote- "Van had to be dragged kicking and screaming" into considering the -10. He didn't feel there was market justification for it.
Since the 10 is so unpopular, why would he consider a six passenger? :rolleyes:
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RV-16? For real?

Is the RV-16 really in the planning stages as a 6 seater? Or are you guys just pulling my leg on this?
I can't believe Van would consider designing an airplane around an engine like the 720. These exist only in tiny quantities at outrageous prices. I think there is some leg pulling happening on this one.
The picture above reminded me of the very first airplane I ever saw. I was about four or five years old standing in my front yard when a huge black or dark blue plane with twin boom tails flew overhead. I assume now it was a P-38. This was in 1955 or 56. It scared the dickens out of me but also completely took over my imagination. I still run outside when I hear an airplane. My wife just shakes her head. :p
If it gets to the point that I stop running outside when an airplane flies over....It's all over.