
I'm New Here
Looking to build an RV-14 in the near future here in Eagle, CO.

Would really like to view one up close- either an RV-14/RV-14A.
Visit Denver Centennial or Metro quite often. Own a C-182 so I can get to where you reside.

I fly an RV-8 on a routine basis and am a professional pilot flying the PC-12NG & TBM-850

My goal is to:

1. See the plane up close. Saw one @ KOSH a long time ago.
2. Observe the flying characteristics which cannot be done @ Van's currently (Covid-19 issues). I will pay for your fuel.
3. Get your thoughts on the building process- Quickbuild vs. Kit Avionics choices-IFR set-up. Pick your brain.

Thanks in advance!

Tom Trotter
Eagle, CO KEGE
[email protected]
916-267-9497 Cell
ATP-MEI-CFII-Jet Mentor Pilot
I would be interested in showing off my RV-14. I built it twice.

I'm based at HCR, Heber City, UT.
Colorado RVs

Looking to build an RV-14 in the near future here in Eagle, CO.

Would really like to view one up close- either an RV-14/RV-14A.
Visit Denver Centennial or Metro quite often. Own a C-182 so I can get to where you reside.

I fly an RV-8 on a routine basis and am a professional pilot flying the PC-12NG & TBM-850

My goal is to:

1. See the plane up close. Saw one @ KOSH a long time ago.
2. Observe the flying characteristics which cannot be done @ Van's currently (Covid-19 issues). I will pay for your fuel.
3. Get your thoughts on the building process- Quickbuild vs. Kit Avionics choices-IFR set-up. Pick your brain.

Thanks in advance!

Tom Trotter
Eagle, CO KEGE
[email protected]
916-267-9497 Cell
ATP-MEI-CFII-Jet Mentor Pilot

I manage a Google Group, Colorado RVs. We have several 14 members. If you would like to join, send me an e-mail from a Google G-Mail account. My address is below.
My QB RV-10 wings and fuselage arrived last week. I'm still finishing up the tail section this week and I haven't touched them yet. So, if you want to see what a QB looks like straight from the factory, you can check out mine. Not a -14, but I'm sure the QBs are similar.

I'm in a hangar at Boulder (KBDU).
Head over to GJT


I'm over in Grand Junction where my wife and I built our -14A in our garage and I first flew it on September 8, 2016. I've got 612 hours on it now and have been all over the country in the airplane. Incredible performance. I've flown into Eagle several times and take off straight out to the west directly over the mountain that has Snow VOR on top of it. I go non stop to Los Angeles, Dallas and Kansas City with an hour fuel remaining. Flight planning is for 160 KTAS at 8 gallons an hour at 2400 rpm. I don't have any hopped up engine or prop -- just the standard Lyc IO-390 experimental version Van sells and the recommended Hartzell CS prop.

I have a hangar at GJT and all the tools and equipment I used to build it and to maintain it. I suspect I can show you anything you want to see and answer whatever questions you may have. PM me with your contact info if you'd like to fly over here.
Flight planning is for 160 KTAS at 8 gallons an hour at 2400 rpm.

Bill, are you running lean-of-peak for those numbers? I get 160 KTAS all right, but my fuel burn is closer to 10 gph. I'm at least 50? ROP, though. Same engine (IO-390).
Yes, pretty much always LOP since out here we're flying above 10,000 MSL most of the time. I've seen the same 160 KTAS at 8 GPH, WOT and 2400 RPM up to 15,500. FWIW I pull the injectors and clean them every annual.