Well Known Member
I posted this question in general discussions, but probably should have posted it here. How many RV-14s are going to Oshkosh? It is now officially less than one month to the Big O!

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Hoping to make Osh. , smashed my finger days before departure to Sun and Fun , had to cancel.
I received my airworthiness certificate yesterday.

With a run of good weather and no major squawks I hope to make it. Safety first however.

Planning on first flight early this week. 10 hours a week for the next four weeks seems like a stretch. We'll see how it goes.
Off topic but congratulations Bob and thank you for your detailed build log. Yours is one of my go to references before I start every new section. Enjoy!
Thanks for the kind words Chris, I enjoyed making the build log.

I actually slacked off quite a bit from the detail in my Sonex build logs so it is not as comprehensive. Mostly I made it for my dad to keep up with the progress.

Targeting first flight for Tuesday and then a solid flying schedule to make Oshkosh.
Meetup at Oshkosh

I second the motion for a meet-up at Oshkosh for RV-14 builders. First half of the week would be better. Any suggestions for place/time? We could meet around the Van's exhibit. Or get really crazy and organize a group trip to Acee Deucey one evening! ;)


There's no pub per se, but for those camping in general aviation camping there's is a beer tent midway up the north 40 - a bit of a walk from homebuilt camping but not horrible. If memory serves, you can't buy beer or wine until 5pm, and they close at 10. They also serve a variety of fast food meals.