
Well Known Member

Hi group, so I'm building the RV14A! I really like Van's prototype aircraft paint job, I'm thinking something very similar but likely with a redish-maroon style color instead of the blue (wife likes that better so ya know....:rolleyes: )


Currently working on the left wing. As you probably already know, Van's released the wing kit before the tail kit so probably the first 100 of us are starting with the wings first. My wing kit arrived at the end of July 2013.



The pneumatic squeezer makes quick work of dimpling and riveting.





Read about this incident here --> :)
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Nice Start Tom

Looks like you are on the way. Only took me 4 1/2 yrs. to slo-build the RV7 in the garage and it is definitely better at the house to keep you focused. My wife also has "reminded me" about turning off the air compressor at night :D.
Right now I'm removing old slosh & pro seal from left wing fuel cell on the RV1 and found it more convenient to just take the wing home from the airport so I too am spending time in "Shop".
Will catch up soon

Hi Tom,
Will be getting my wing kit next week (SN 140085) and have learned much from your posts as well as others on VAF. Can't wait to start the build and I hope I catch up to you soon.
Great! I'm sure you will have alot of fun. I've never built anything so grand before and seeing as how it is an airplane, I have lots of questions that I like to check with the group on before proceeding. However, as I proceed, I'm starting to feel more confident. My riveting is getting more natural too!
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Visit us at ZPH

No 14's but there's a good sized contingent of RV's at ZPH as well your group at VDF.

If you need a break from the wings, come visit. If interested, shoot me a PM and I'll return with contact info. Would enjoy seeing the project too.
September 28th, 2013 updates


These are the wing walk doublers.





She love's to cleco!





I'm at about 90 hours at this point. Next is to rivet these skins on.
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October 5, 2013. Got the top skins riveted on the left wing.




To keep the skins from getting marred up, I spent a few extra dollars and bought the 12" extended back rivet set, makes the job easier because your rivet partner doesn't have to do anything except hold the bucking bar against the head. Put tape on the bucking bar to protect the wing skin finish.


All done!


close up


Here's the rivet helper team
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October 6, 2013

On to the leading edge.


Cutting out the jig from the packing crate.





machining out the stall tab.

About 117 hours in at this point.
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Wow Tom! You are making some great progress! Looks like the whole family is getting in on the fun too.
Wow Tom! You are making some great progress! Looks like the whole family is getting in on the fun too.

Thanks KC. I need to figure out how I am going to attach the leading edge, I'm thinking I might need a different kind of table with just the posts.
Nice Progress Tom!

Whew! Looking great!
I'm just starting to rivet my skins.
You're making great progress!
(I'm going to have to recruit some family helpers)
I took a little break over the summer months, as I just can't force myself inside on nice sunny days, but now with the change of seasons, and it getting darker sooner, I'm going to get moving again.
Whew! Looking great!
I'm just starting to rivet my skins.
You're making great progress!
(I'm going to have to recruit some family helpers)
I took a little break over the summer months, as I just can't force myself inside on nice sunny days, but now with the change of seasons, and it getting darker sooner, I'm going to get moving again.

I'm looking forward to being able to open the garage and shutting off the air conditioner soon.
October 9, 2013


Went with a black color for the landing light cavity.
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RV 14

Can you explain the doubler with the nutplates ? Looks odd .
No AC today in Flagler County, 68 today in Palm Coast . Winters Here!
Can you explain the doubler with the nutplates ? Looks odd .


I agree with g_zero, it does look funny.

I think it is because on the 7/8 wing, the doubler goes on the inside of the skin so that the access panel sits flush on the outside.

You guys are too quick!! I got an email from someone yesterday saying my doubler was on the wrong side of the skin so I immediately rechecked the plans and then removed the pic :) I have corrected it already this morning as it was driving me nuts last night just knowing :eek:



I've been putting alot of hours in lately and I probably need to take a little break so I'm fresh.
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November 3, 2013

Well, I've been pretty lazy the last 3 weeks after taking a little break. I've been able to open the garage finally, its getting really nice here in Tampa, only about 70 today.





November 13, 2013

So, I'm on to the landing light lense. The instructions would have me attach the leading edge to the spar first, but I can't see any point in that, just makes it harder to work on.

Here is a few pics of the lens fit before cutting. My fit isn't too bad, others have reported worse fittings.




Below, you can see what I did to apply pressure to the lense to get a good fit. The instructions have you attach tape to the lense and pull the tape to tighten the lens. I grabbed one of my plastic levels and put a piece of rubber on the end of it. I placed the leading edge over the level and applied downward pressure to squeeze the lens into the proper fit. While applying pressure, thats when I marked the lens cutout with the sharpie. One person is able to complete this step this way.


Here is the finished product.


Pretty good fit I think. I'm not crazy about the fact that their is no material between the lens and the aluminum. No matter how well the lens mates to the aluminum, I have to believe water is going to get in there. The next time that lens cover comes off when I'm ready to install the landing light, I might try to fabricate some type of material as a gasket.

Next logical step is to attach the leading edge to the spar and then its on to fuel tanks. I think I am going to start the right wing first instead though and get it to the same point in the build. I'm thinking it is going to be best to do both tanks simultaneously, especially if I decide to find some help for building the tanks.

About 130 hours in at this point.
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I am clueless about the 14 but the duckworks kit for my 9 included some thin narrow weatherstripping for the perimeter of the plexi. Do your instructions make any note of that?
I am clueless about the 14 but the duckworks kit for my 9 included some thin narrow weatherstripping for the perimeter of the plexi. Do your instructions make any note of that?

They don't unfortunately. I'm going to have to find out what the other guys are doing.
November 21, 2013

Not to much new to report, I'm well into starting the right wing after stopping the left wing. The idea is for me to do both of the tanks at the same time so I'm catching up. It's amazing to me how much faster the right side is going now that I know how to do it and don't have a ton of questions for the forum.

In my opinion, countersinking the hundreds of holes in the spar is the most boring and tedious part of the build to date.


In fact, it's so boring that I am pausing and skipping ahead occasionally to complete a different step which helps break up the monotony :)

I agree

I agree with you that the countersinking of the spars is boring and tedious, but I haven't got past that part yet. I've spent my third weekend putting off just a few more hours of this work (head hanging in shame). I envy your discipline with your project.
I agree with you that the countersinking of the spars is boring and tedious, but I haven't got past that part yet. I've spent my third weekend putting off just a few more hours of this work (head hanging in shame). I envy your discipline with your project.

It gets much more interesting after the countersinking. Try and see if you can do something else to break it up. Fabricate some parts and prime them- might be a quick and fun diversion.
March 23, 2014

Back at it again, after another little break due to being busy with work. I've been putting some strong hours in over the last 2 weeks on the right wing.





March 24, 2014

Well it seems I've got the itch again and I have put a lot of time in over the weekend and again today. Right wing is coming together pretty quick. I'll say it again, doing it for the second time is quicker.


My dremmel collection.


I can't remember how many zillion rpm my dremmel turns at, but when using that tiny cutting bit, you gotta watch the centrifugal force, the bit wants to wander all by itself. Truthfully it might even be better to hold the tool vertical instead of horizontal. The scratch did buff out using the 3M scotchbrite wheel.


One of my favorite helpers.


She just loves to clecko


Hard to believe but it is already time to fit the rear spar.

Tom I see you are using cardboard in your vise, and you probably know they make a rubber insert with magnets to hold them in place for just that. I use them all the time, very handy.
On a side note, I'm headed your way Sunday. Taking my son to the NHL game on the first, Montreal vs Tampa. There is a group of us Canucks that will probably get kicked out for being noisy and cheering for the wrong team.
Tom I see you are using cardboard in your vise, and you probably know they make a rubber insert with magnets to hold them in place for just that. I use them all the time, very handy.
On a side note, I'm headed your way Sunday. Taking my son to the NHL game on the first, Montreal vs Tampa. There is a group of us Canucks that will probably get kicked out for being noisy and cheering for the wrong team.

Hey Ron, gotta pic or part number? Have a great trip to Tampa, weather a little rainy today but its been sunny and in the high 70s and low 80s last few weeks. I love being able to work with the garage door up without the air conditioning.
I thought ACS carried them but I could not find them. They are called soft jaws. Most tool supply stores carry them or can get them.
Try Lowes or home depot

I got mine at Lowes.
I don't remember the price, but I don't think they were more than $10.

The weather is so perfect in Tampa this time of year, you can just leave the garage open and let all the natural light in. It's moving along!



Tom, great job! Hopefully those pictures of the setback don't indicate that she is moving out of the house! :)