
Hi, All:

Got my PPL 6 months ago, currently working on my instrument rating. Am considering RV-7A vs RV-14A. My friend has a RV-7A and lets me fly it, and it's a great plane, but I'd like to have my own and not be continuously borrowing his. Lots of folks in the forums say the 14 is a better choice than the 7 (more comfortable, likely better resale value), but min cost difference is probably $20k, which is substantial.

Is there anybody in the Dallas area that has a 14 that be willing to let us come view and sit in the plane?

And I'd appreciate opinions on the 14 vs 7 decision as well.


(If you google 'matt wood astronomy' you'll find I'm located in Commerce, TX, about an hour east of Dallas)
DFW area - 0TX1 near Granbury, but about diagonally opposite the Metroplex from Commerce and just as far on the opposite side. If you can fly down in that RV7, it?s a little over an hour. We have 2 flying 14A?s and 2 under construction.
KGYI outside Sherman tx

My 14A is nearing completion. Your welcome to come see it. PM if interested. I flew the 14A with Vans instructor in Oregon recently if you have questions about flying it.

Frank Connery
I am not in Dallas or TX area but I can offer an opinion on both planes since I have built and flown both.

Since you have flown a 7A, won't go to details of how great of a plane it is. I absolutely loved mine. But the 14A is as great of a plane if not better by a good margin. The instructions for building is a couple of heads above the shoulder to say the lease, so is the kit quality.

Some of the differences that comes to mind:
- 7A is sportier in handling, 14A is easier for IFR
- 14A has a better landing gear, both main and nose wheel
- 14 is certainly more comfortable as a X-country machine
- My 14 is a bit faster than then my 7 but not by a whole lot
- 7A burns less fuel due to the smaller engine
- Easier to get in and out of a 14 then 7
- The steps are designed differently/better in 14
- Building the canopy of a 14 by far easier and by far better than 7

I can't speak of resale value but I imagine both will sale very easy but 14 is more $$$ to build, perhaps more than $20K. I have seen few, if any who have built a 14 with older technology like steam gauges.

Hope this helps
Thanks for the replies. Frank and Keith thank you - I'll PM you as we're interested in seeing the 14 in person before we make the decision!
Hi, All:

Lots of folks in the forums say the 14 is a better choice than the 7 (more comfortable, likely better resale value), but min cost difference is probably $20k, which is substantial.

Is there anybody in the Dallas area that has a 14 that be willing to let us come view and sit in the plane?

And I'd appreciate opinions on the 14 vs 7 decision as well.

I just finished my RV-14A and my neighbor is very close to finishing his RV-7. We sat down with our spreadsheets recently and discovered that the costs are almost identical. We both have angle valve Lycomings, CS props, Dual Dynons, and Garmin navigators. The only real delta was is the cost of the kits which is less than $10,000 in today's prices.
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