
Active Member
Has anyone been using Foreflight and can assist with basic info to start my Foreflight profile? Several items are not published i.e. Climb fuel burn rate. There are several items published by VANS but not all data is available. I recognize that everyone's plane is different, but I could use some baseline information to setup my profile and then modify it once I have completed my -14A.
Here's what I've been using for the last 2 years. I've been pleased with the accuracy. All speeds are knots. I hope this helps you a bit.

Climb TAS 130
Climb Fuel Per Hour 12
Climb Rate 500 (I do enroute climbs at 500 FPM for better cooling)

Cruise TAS 167 (A good average speed that comes really close on time and fuel burn calculations)
Cruise Fuel Per Hour 9

Descent TAS 180
Descent Fuel Per Hour 9
Descent Rate 500
Thanks Karl. Any information that proves consistent helps. I appreciate the quick response also. Now to get my Foreflight updated.
Thanks Gash, Is that a specific altitude to plan that TAS/Fuel Burn?

ForeFlight doesn't calculate variable altitude fuel flows. I've found that 9 GPH is a good "safe" value to use for all planned cruise altitudes. ** Please note that I'm running dual PMAGs, lean of peak.

When flying in the IO-390 sweet spot around 7,500-8,500 MSL, I actually run about 8.5 GPH LOP. When flying up in the teens, fuel flow is down around 8.0 GPH LOP. Therefore, planning on 9 GPH in ForeFlight gives a bit of safety margin to account for unplanned delays or headwinds.

I use the same reasoning for my planned TAS of 167. I actually cruise at 173 KTAS, LOP anywhere from 7,500 up to about 11,500 depending on OAT. So planning on 167 gives me a bit of "pad" in the planning. As it turns out in reality, there's always something that changes my speed or fuel burn from the ideal, so my conservative profile numbers end up being spot-on most of the time. This performance profile has served me quite well on many, many cross country flights.
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More good information. I also plan on running dual PMAGs on my 390 EXP119 and its good to know you have considered the variables at different altitudes and are finding your numbers run pretty consistent. I am curious about your fuel consumption for start/taxi/takeoff and total usable. The 172S that I'm using now generally uses about 1-2 gallons and has a 3 gallon non-usable fuel allowance for planning purposes. How are you performing in this area?
I plan for about 2 gallons of fuel burn for ground ops and find that this is pretty accurate. My unusable fuel is very small, about 0.5 gallons when I did my testing prior to first flight.
Page 2 of the FLIGHT INFO PDF at the WIKI has performance info and another foreflight thread.

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I have 3 different foreflight profiles that I use, one labeled “High Altitude” the second is “Normal” for most to low altitudes, and the third is “Econ” for when I throttle way back. I find has a much better fuel matrix that you can setup and tweak at every thousand feet.

My profiles are for my fixed pitch -4 so they are not really relevant, but I just wanted to share that you can have different performances profiles saved for how you want to fly that particular leg.