
Well Known Member
After thinking about it for a long time and then waiting for the US/Canada border to open (who knows when it will) I have decided to place the order for my RV-14A emp kit in the next day or so. I just think it is probably better to get in the cue now since it will be spring before I can expect my kit.

I will use the time to acquire the tools, prep the shop and do some practice kits.

I am filling out the order form and am curious what others have chosen for the tail light option. Are most going with the AeroLED LN-210 upgrade option that can be ordered with the kit or is there a better option? From what I can gather it is important decide which wing/ landing lights I will use as well so they all work together. Curious of the thoughts of other RV-14 builders. Thanks in advance.
My choice

I went with Flyleds for all my lights and have been very happy. They have great customer service as well. That said, you don’t have to lock in on that decision at this time. I bought mine, fitted in place then put in a box for a few years till ready for hanging the tail feathers. I wouldn’t leave on during storage due to potential damage.
There are different wiring requirements depending on what light you choose. I ran the Van’s supplied wire but only used 2 of the wires. Left the other one intact just incase needed later.
My preference would be to wait on final choice till the position & strobes are planned out as well to insure they all function as one unit.
If you're looking at the AeroLED LN-210 SunTail option, I purchased one with my kit last fall, but decided to go a different direction for lighting. As a result, I can sell you mine for $350 CAD incl shipping. Brand new.
I still have the whelen LED 500 taillight from my Mooney when I put Tailbeacon on it... so probably just going to slap that on.

Curious which FlyLED tail light you decided on. I see they have 2 options and trying to figure out which will be the best and require the least modification.

Thanks for the offer, however, still deciding. Curious which lighting direction you decided on and why?

Thanks for the offer, however, still deciding. Curious which lighting direction you decided on and why?

Though not committed 100% yet, I think I've decided on the Aveo ZipTips. So much so that I had my wing kit made without the lighting cutouts in the leading edge. These include the rear lighting, so I'll probably forgo the lighting in the rudder.
I agree with the other posters that you might consider not committing to your lights now. That was the advice I was given by some local builders. The market could significantly change by the time your plane is ready for them.

Curious which FlyLED tail light you decided on. I see they have 2 options and trying to figure out which will be the best and require the least modification.

I suggest you give Paul @ flyLEDs a call or email and talk over the options. He is super helpful and will guide you through what he's got to match what you're looking for.

Since my -14 will be a taildragger I ended up getting the "original" kit for the wingtips, the tail light kit model, and then two of the Leading Edge/Taxi Light combo lights for the pre-cut holes in the 14 wings.
I used the kit version of the tail LED. The strobe & position kit board runs the kit tail light along with the strobe & position. You can look at the kit wiring instructions and compare with the Vans wiring to see what can be used.
I also have the landing/taxi combo lights in the wings. The kits have changed/improved since I bought mine but I’m still very happy with the results.
All your planning questions that everyone else has mulled over on the RV 14 forum are consolidated onto the "General construction" and "Avionics" PDF's on the WIKI (see signature)

Since my -14 will be a taildragger I ended up getting the "original" kit for the wingtips, the tail light kit model, and then two of the Leading Edge/Taxi Light combo lights for the pre-cut holes in the 14 wings.
Hi Dennis
Ryan has chosen the recommended Flyleds setup for an RV-14. Perfect!
The regular tail light flashes in sync/pattern with the wingtips and is what most of our customers choose.
If you're building a nose wheeler you can choose our Quad Spots instead of the Combos. Or, for the best lights ever our Seven Stars will be right at home in the leading edges.

Note that the price of Van's tail light alone is almost the same as our complete strobe system...

I don't plan on making any major changes to our products at this point, but others are correct in that you don't need to purchase a tail light or the rest of the system just yet. However I'm always here for you whenever you'd like to spend some money!

As most everyone is suggesting, I would also agree not to purchase the light with the kit and wait to see what else is out there. I ended up going with FlyLeds and purchased their Seven stars wingtip lights and tail strobe setup. I only had to slightly modify the installation of the wing leading edge lights by turning them about 45 degrees or so if I remember correctly to mount to the Van's provided mounting plate.

They are extremely easy to build and as Paul stated, the price is unbeatable for an outstanding product with outstanding customer service.

good luck in your build! its a fun ride!

Thank you for the info. After reading the responses from others and yourself I will be going with Flyleds. I noticed that you are based in MEL. When the borders open up and international flights I'm sure I will be back doing layovers in MEL at the Crown in the CBD. Perhaps I could stop by, discuss the best option for my build and purchase a kit.

I watched your video on the assembly of your Flyleds kit and it convinced me they are the right choice. I was a bit intimidated until I saw your video. Thank you for being such an informative source online.
Thank you for the info. After reading the responses from others and yourself I will be going with Flyleds. I noticed that you are based in MEL. When the borders open up and international flights I'm sure I will be back doing layovers in MEL at the Crown in the CBD. Perhaps I could stop by, discuss the best option for my build and purchase a kit.
Having been in lock down here for so long here in Melbourne, what you're describing, ie meeting a visitor from another country again, is beyond my wildest imagination!
For sure, but only if I can buy the beers.