
Well Known Member
After years of not being able to part with items that I thought had value, my garage is just about aircraft worthy. Thank you Vans. I am on a first name basis with the Salvation Army attendant and the dumpster at work has been a tax free employee benefit.
4'x4' bench with retracting casters, band saw, drill press, buffer, 1" belt sander, vice-check
Shelves for parts-check
Cleveland tool order-check
EAA sheet metal workshop - check
14A empennage on hand -check
EAA chapter 1000 workbench-to be built
Parts primer booth-still scratching my head over this one
Dues paid and time researching this forum- PRICELESS

Hope to have the factory running in 2 weeks. Can't wait.
Who says manufacturing is dead in America?


One hint ... plan to screw/nail and glue your EAA 1000 benches. I just screwed mine together, and found that they "wiggle" a bit when I lean hard on them. If I was to do-over, I'd glue then as well.

Have fun! It's a great journey.
Hello Barney!!!

Welcome Barney!! Dad has kept me updated with your RV-14 kit purchase. The fun now begins.

Looking forward to following your progress.
