
Well Known Member
For the last week or so I've been putting together a little builder's site for my RV-14 project. You can see it at I'm a repeat offender but with a full-time plus job I won't be breaking any build records. I'm sure several other builders have left me in the dust. But that's good thing so I can learn from them. I'll post plenty of photos along the way. I know that similar sites were helpful to me when I was building my -9A.

How about a roll call of other RV-14 Builders who have started sites out there so I can check out their photos when I'm stumped? And make sure you keep up the pace if you're ahead of me so I can learn from your mistakes!

I'm a first timer so I don't think I'd come looking to me for advice but I'll try and post the things I figure out at

That being said, I'm glad you did this thread so I will be able to have a reference list of builder sites too.
Good squeezer idea


I already got a great idea from your site. I like the way you screwed the squeezer to the end of your bench. I've always wrapped a rag around the handle and clamped it in the vice. It doesn't always hold very well so I like your idea much better.

I hope you don't mind, but I added a link for your site on mine.
There is also the "famous" Tim Olson's website where he's doing something similar he did for his RV10 project here:

As with before, there will no doubt be loads of info from him as the build progresses.

Yep, nice site. I added a link for his site from mine earlier. I'm looking forward to more updates from Tim as he progresses
Thanks, I've put a link to Gordon's RV-14 site on mine as well.

Ron B, do you have a site or photo gallery? It seems like you're way ahead of the rest of us so it would be great to see what you're doing. Are you retired so you can work on the -14 more hours? Or maybe you're just working on the -14 instead of messing around on the internet! :D
Far from retired, self employed. I probably have 30 hrs in during the work week hrs ( 8 to 4:30). I work from 5:30 PM to 8:30 week nights. I come in at 8:30 to fight with the kids before bed (theirs), and I usually work seven hrs Sat and Sun. I'm not much of a camera guy, but I could probably snap a few and post them here if I can remember how to. Having just finished the RV-10 a few years ago probably is the biggest help. When I was building the 10 , I was spending as much time researching,as riveting to make sure I understood the instructions. Now I read them once and usually understand or already know the next step. I had a few questions that I had to call Van's, and some of them were indeed plans errors.
I did ask Van's if they would like to be notified of the errors I found and never got a reply. I'm guessing they want the guys ten years from now to be able to find them just like the guys now find them on the other models. Why I will never know.
Wing kit just arrived!

My wing kit arrived today, need to wait until tomorrow night to inventory.

My build site can be reached with two different addresses. I am NOT a twitter person, but I got a nice short one just in case I needed it later?

Obviously, N144US is my reserved number.
There is also the "famous" Tim Olson's website where he's doing something similar he did for his RV10 project here:

As with before, there will no doubt be loads of info from him as the build progresses.


Unfortunately the only site up and running on this string is this one.
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If you look at the links on the Van's website, you can find Carl and Rafael's site for their RV-14A build. It has been very helpful to me.
Here's a link to mine, first flight was in late June. Made it to Oshkosh and now have just over 100 hours.

Not as in depth as my Sonex site, or some other 14 sites, but it covers a lot of ground.
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There's not much actual aircraft building on my website yet, but I'm pretty detailed in my descriptions. My day job is with a company that sounds like a bouncing spring and builds airplanes :p so I can't seem to break that habit.

If you want to see how I set up my shop there's lots there. I'm hoping to touch the first parts this weekend, but I'm a bit nervous about it. I feel I need to practice on inconsequential stuff first.
I've been in IT for almost 25 years. The idea of blogging or doing ANY kind of work outside of my 9-5 IT job relating to blogging or web design makes me break out in hives. The best I can do is sped up video feed with an enigmatic and usually slightly drunken voice over commentary track.
I've been in IT for almost 25 years. The idea of blogging or doing ANY kind of work outside of my 9-5 IT job relating to blogging or web design makes me break out in hives. The best I can do is sped up video feed with an enigmatic and usually slightly drunken voice over commentary track.

Same here .. I just setup a camera to start recording when there is motion in the shop and then every night they automatically upload to Vimeo ..

Unfortunately there have been several nights that I've stumbled down to the shop to turn off the air compressor at 3am half (hopefully half) naked .. viewers beware :eek:
A word of caution. Most websites are first time builders like yourself. It is comforting to read how other builders, just ahead of yourself, are dealing with issues, but carefully read the RV14 manual first before following any website tips or instructions. Often times something done incorrectly on the tail, for example, will not become apparent until you try to put the tail on the aircraft. The errors on builder websites are not always corrected when found during later assembly. Most certainly read on and learn as much as possible but when in doubt stick with the plans or call Van's hot line, they are very helpful.
Same here .. I just setup a camera to start recording when there is motion in the shop and then every night they automatically upload to Vimeo ..

Unfortunately there have been several nights that I've stumbled down to the shop to turn off the air compressor at 3am half (hopefully half) naked .. viewers beware :eek:

Links or it doesn't exist :D
My build site is I have many links to many other great RV14 builders on the site. Check out the "RV Story" link along with many others. Mine is a slowww build beginning with the construction of the workshop before ordering the empennage and aircraft tools. I've already made a deposit on the empennage kit to keep me on track! Can't wait to begin!
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A word of caution. Most websites are first time builders like yourself. It is comforting to read how other builders, just ahead of yourself, are dealing with issues, but carefully read the RV14 manual first before following any website tips or instructions. Often times something done incorrectly on the tail, for example, will not become apparent until you try to put the tail on the aircraft. The errors on builder websites are not always corrected when found during later assembly. Most certainly read on and learn as much as possible but when in doubt stick with the plans or call Van's hot line, they are very helpful.

Very good observation Tom. I've spent my professional life as an aircraft structural analyst (over 30 years) so I know what good and bad aircraft structure looks like. However, I'm very much a novice when it comes to actually creating parts and assemblies. That's part of the reason I got into this build, so I can learn that side of things.

Should you trust my advice on stress analysis, durability and damage tolerance issues? Most likely. I'm very knowledgeable on these matters.

Should you trust my advice on riveting, power tool usage or priming? Maybe not so much. I'm just now learning the fine details of these things.

When in doubt, call Van's!
For the last week or so I've been putting together a little builder's site for my RV-14 project. You can see it at

I realize the original post is dated, but that URL redirects to :eek:

My build site is

In build blogs, it would be helpful if more people referenced the builder manual page number when they talk about an issue they came up against ... that would make it easier to find info on a specific challenge you have.
Aloha SteveT

I have created (to the best of my ability) just that as far as page reference. I took the Builder plans from Vans and the discussion threads from VAF and combined them in a drop box account.

I do not know a way to make the account completely open for folks without sending a direct email invite.

So, if any one wishes access please send me a PM with an email address that you use. If you do not want to use a current address that is important, make one up just for your construction related stuff, and I will set you up.

I sometimes can not get to my messages for a week or so, but I will send invites as soon as I can.
I started one last year but have done nothing with it.

I have my fuselage done and I'm halfway through the finishing kit, but haven't updated the site since completing the empennage. Maybe this will motivate to give up an evening in the shop to update it.