
Active Member
I have previously owned both an RV-8 and an RV-10. I occasionally flew the RV-8 in IMC without issue. I more regularly flew the RV-10 in IMC also without issue.

I am beginning to consider building an RV-14A. Can anyone comment on the -14 as an IFR platform? Does it have a decent ride in light to medium turbulence? Any problems with icing (I wouldn't plan to fly in icing, but in my experience some planes ice up faster than others)? Is windshield fogging up a problem?

Thanks for any insights.


I had a 7A and flew it in IMC without issues (crashing) but it was a bit of challenge for me. I would be a total worked out during instrument practice and more than 4 approaches in one setting would have totally tired me out.
Now in the 14A, though only one year experience with, I find it much easier to do IFR. I have done only two approaches in IMC but the practice runs are much easier and less of a work out.

I hope this helps.
The -14 is very good as an IFR platform. As good as the RV-10 is, really. Smooth and easy.