Glad he is OK. I think i you put enough weight/force on any nose gear it's going to collapse. 10/14 are better than the the earlier 6/7/8 gear for sure but nothing is indestructible.

Looks like both main pants got ripped off too.
What's he doing in a cropped paddock is my question. Be interesting read when the preliminary report is issued.
What's he doing in a cropped paddock is my question. Be interesting read when the preliminary report is issued.

From the pics, it appears he landed short of a prepared sod runway in the cropped paddock.
Anti-Splat nose gear would've saved the day. [sarcasm :rolleyes:]

At least the gear folding dissipated some energy and no doubt made the flip less violent. Glad the pilot was unhurt.
From the picture of the disturbed soil, I think he landed short of the nicely mowed grass runway. Also from the short distance of the soil depression, the forward velocity wasn't very high.
Looking at the pictures, maybe someone should ask the farmer to till the rows as they are on the sides of the runway in case someone lands short they dont have to go over the rows.
One could call it an SS landing (Short & Soft field) .

Glad he is OK. There are a lot of potential reasons to be short. The field does not look all that long. If you were set up for the end and the engine quit before you got there, your only concern would be to get it past/over the trees.

It shows that the guy with the fire in Oregon a few days ago did an outstanding job to keep his upright in the swathed windrows of heavy crop.
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