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RV-14 wing vs. fuse kit: center spar

I'm thinking about starting an RV-14. One thing I remember from the RV-10 was that the center wing spar section came with the wing kit, match drilled, for use later during the fuse build.

But, looking at kit lead times - it looks like the fuse kit might arrive 6-7 months before the wing kit. Right now it's showing both emp and fuse kits september-october, and wings march-april next year.

It looks like the -14 has a center spar section as well. Does it come with the wing kit? and if so: if I can't get the wing kit until spring, how far will I be able to get in the fuselage build without it?

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Center spar

I'm thinking about starting an RV-14. One thing I remember from the RV-10 was that the center wing spar section came with the wing kit, match drilled, for use later during the fuse build.

But, looking at kit lead times - it looks like the fuse kit might arrive 6-7 months before the wing kit. Right now it's showing both emp and fuse kits september-october, and wings march-april next year.

It looks like the -14 has a center spar section as well. Does it come with the wing kit? and if so: if I can't get the wing kit until spring, how far will I be able to get in the fuselage build without it?


If it's like the 7, not far. However, a phone call to Vans may rearrange things. Worth a try.
how far will I be able to get in the fuselage build without it?

This is most of what you’ll get in the emp and fuse kits. Plus elevators. Lots to do before the wings show up.

The 14 is not like the 10 in that the centre spar doesn’t come with the wings, it comes with the fuselage. The CNC process is so accurate that it is not necessary to match them up. Do you will be able to build all your fuselage before you get your wings.
Thanks all! I was worried I would stall and lose momentum, if I didn't have that one section, but that's certainly six months of work unblocked.