
Well Known Member
The wings are coming together. I can see the end now! LOL :)

Why don't you take your pictures and start a build thread on the forum, there is a section for it.

I'm just a week or two behind ...... Just cleclo'd the spars/ribs together yesterday!
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Thanks for the support guys. Thanks Mark! Have to come and see the "garage" someday. Yea, I guess I am just building wings.... but it will soon be an airplane!
Here is my wing pic, and no, I do not know why the picture is rotated 90 degrees! Another couple of hours of riveting and the top skins will be done on the left wing.


It is an awesome thing to get to this point with the wing and not have had to build a jig and accurately mount all the bits and pieces on it. I have had the tail and wing kits for seven weeks. The tail is at the Canadian inspection stage, almost done, and here is my first wing. I have both spars and some of the ribs ready for the second wing. I was not planning on getting the kit until after corn harvest this year but changed my mind as I was looking for something to do on rainy days when I could not farm or fly. We have had a very backward planting season, thus the kit progress. I would much rather have all the crop planted and these parts still in the box but at least my down time has been productive.
Seven weeks of part time work and I have only had to use a ruler once or twice and my tin snips remain parked in the drawer. What a great kit compared prior RVs that I have worked on. The RV10 was close but this is an improvement.
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