
Well Known Member
....We need a RV-14 in so cal to test fit and bless our new gust lock on. we will give product, and be very grateful for any and all help. Thanks, Allan..:D
Not in Cali, but you can send it to me in Florida. I can take pictures and give you feed back and dimensions.

I currently use a little external clip on the rudder with a REMOVE BEFORE FLIGHT flag, and a strap on the inside that goes side to side and wraps around the sticks.
sometimes when you getting ready to depart from a remote location and you have family or friends seeing you off you can become distracted. such as when your Mother has to give you a box of tomatoes and a lecture about making relish during your pre-flight. it sure is nice to have the gust lock mounted inside so that you cannot depart without removing it. thanks Allan for good simple safe design. I use it all the time.
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I was going to order one for my RV-8 with in flight adjustable pedals...had my credit card ready and everything. Not only was Spruce out of stock, apparently the gust lock doesn't work with my in flight adjustable pedals. :(

Any plans to address this?
sometimes when you getting ready to depart from a remote location and you have family or friends seeing you off you can become distracted. such as when your Mother has to give you a box of tomatoes and a lecture about making relish during your pre-flight. it sure is nice to have the gust lock mounted inside so that you cannot depart without removing it. thanks Allan for good simple safe design. I use it all the time.

I guess I can see it being a problem if you are parked pointed down the runway you are about to take-off on.... other than that, do people actually taxi without using the rudder?
I realize mistakes can happen but how would someone ever taxi to a runway without realizing that the rudder is locked externally?
I admit to inadvertently leaving a rudder gust lock on one time but it was obvious the moment I first put my feet on the rudder pedals.
.... other than that, do people actually taxi without using the rudder?

I've talked to someone who did it, even within the past couple of years. It wasn't me, but another RV pilot. Amazing the things you can miss when you're preoccupied. I agree, it's likely rare, but it definitely happens.
RV14A Gust Lock

O have a new RV14A with the sticks from vans. I need a gust lock. Are you close? Id be happy to test on for you if you are not sure.

Vince Ottoi
RV14A Gust Lock

O have a new RV14A with the sticks from vans. I need a gust lock. Are you close? Id be happy to test on for you if you are not sure.

Vince Otto
According to their website, a gust lock is currently available for the RV-14. My buddy has one in his 14A and it works well. BTW-the original message is over 3 years old . . . :rolleyes:
According to their website, a gust lock is currently available for the RV-14. My buddy has one in his 14A and it works well. BTW-the original message is over 3 years old . . . :rolleyes:

It’s only available for the Tosten sticks, won’t work with the stock sticks.
Why does this gust lock not work with the Standard Vans stick, I thought the Toston stick was only cut down shorter. Did Toston change the bend with their stick?